Hey! Due to some interest I saw I decided to post my weekly comic strip that I make for my local papers here in the creativity section! The comic is a Parody of my life (Hence the title "A Day with Christ" because my last name is indeed Christ)
Hope you all enjoy!
Also I will be posting other things that I make since Foggle-Senbai introduced me to paint!
Edit: These were the first few weeks comics that I had already made, thats why theres more then just one but now there will be 1 every week!
Made this in honor of Pirates day using paint
First fanart ever! I really need to learn how to scale these things down.
This Fridays Comic!
This is refering to a comic strip that is next to mine, a very creepy one about this crazy gunslinger/demented/anti-hero, no one really likes his comics because there very creepy, but they wont take him off because they need material. But his comics take up half the page! :sniff:
Also due to my editor saying my comics were too small and they edited them blown up and they started turning pixalated I had to make the strips larger. But as a extra treat for you all I am now going to put them through paint to make the text look better. Hope you all are liking it. ^^
Haha, i liked the basket Gym one :D
Thanks, What do you think of my art style that I use for my characters? I use mainly the eyes to show there expressions but the eyes themselves are just circles with no pupils.
It's easy and simple :im_nabeshin:
Yeah that was my main focus because im in college I dont have time to came real complex comics so I made it into a easy drawing comic
I only really try complex art when im inspired or really bored lol
That was Good!
Here is a cookie! :lordilsmile:
A Il Palazzo shaped cookie? What flavor is it? >.>
The flavor of accomplishment.
Does it come with chocolate chips?
Many threads have gone pretty off topic with all this wierd talk :icon_neutral:
Why not keep them alive with more appropriate stuff..? like more comics in this case...
I plan to, but I only publish 1-2 a week. I plan to post the new one soon
Also another work im working on =D
Still a few days tell my next comic is made, until then I hope this tides you all over. :ehail:
Hmm I need to work on my porports more when I draw free hand, I musta paid to much attention to the detail in the armor to originally notice them that far off ><
Heres the next comic! Hope yall enjoy
maybe a chip on your shoulder. ha ha ha :icon_lol:
Cookie to the first person that can identify what the picture above the comic is based off of =D
I want to attempt a color edition, but with paint im have a REALLY hard time finding a skin tone that matches well with just basic skin color. If anyone knows a good matchup and can give me the numbers for the color/shading/ etc etc for the color mix plz tell me. I dont want to make myself Ganguro lol
You can use this color for skin...
(http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/8726/skincolorax0.th.png) (http://img440.imageshack.us/my.php?image=skincolorax0.png)
No need for the color numbers and such, you can simply copy the colors (that tool thingy that makes you copy colors... Dunno what it's called in english)
You might think it looks a bit light, but it should be just fine... I usually use that color as well... Well, in paint, i usually use photoshop though...
photoshop have a skin tone color that looks better?
Nice comics, and the armor is way cool! :D
Quote from: skycloud117 on September 27, 2007, 08:06:31 AM
photoshop have a skin tone color that looks better?
I can't say really, you choose the color yourself, if Photoshop has more color choises in unknown to me (although, it would make sense if it did)
... Photoshop can make skin look more advanced with shading and stuff though, but this color i posted in made in MS paint...
Heres this weeks comic!
This one is about my friend Jack (hairiest man alive who can make a perfect chewbaca growl) and my other friend Jarboe in a little problem we had the night of one of our choir concerts.
Thanks for the advice on Chibi'ing Micki, this is my first character for my all chibi anime character "anime club" t-shirt that im making.
What'cha think?
Always wanted to draw Osaka ^^
I actually looks alot like Kaorin from Azumanga Daioh because of the hair :o
The face is Osaka though, deffenately :D
That one reminds me that i once made a chibi picture of nearly every Azumanga girl from that series... :o
Keep up the drawing though, it seems to turn out goood...
Now I have to pick enough Characters for the rest of the letters...
Anime Club = 9 characters and ive made 2 so far, I also want to add Chiyo in flight mode holding one card from above. Also do Ceras Victoria from Hellsing (mainly cuz I want to draw her big ass gun in chibi form)
But after that im running a little blank on characters. Any good characters that I could use that you might know of?
Ryoga as P-chan (from Ranma½) holding up a sign
Inuyasha leaning on a sign
Anyone from Cowboy bebop
Deffenately need to make a catgirl too.. don't have any spicific ones in mind though, hehe
Can't think of more atm, perhaps some original characters...
Quote from: Foggle on October 10, 2007, 06:05:20 AM
Quote from: skycloud117 on October 09, 2007, 11:56:29 PM
Any good characters that I could use that you might know of?
Needs moar CORN!
If those two guys are in, they'll kick him from the club :o
Hmm I dont know about Kaorin's hair though, her hair has a much straighter cut then Osaka's and its not nearly as long. Plus it flips out rather then inward like I did with Osaka
Chibi #3, to test to see if my chibi's are matching the real thing... can anyone tell me who this is?
Also heres the comic of the week
The girl must be Haruhi..!
And funny comic strip :D
Yep, glad you could recognize her ^^
For all you Hellsing fans out there I give you Chibi 4:
Seras Victoria with her dear friend Harkonnen
Just throwing this note after you, like a huge rock hitting your head... but that's not chibi :o
At least not the kind i know
It's a well drawen pic of Seras, but, it's not really chibi... hands, arms, feet, legs, body, head, it all looks pretty much like normal fnart of her rather than a chibi...
Not that it's bad, not at all actually, but, if your intention was chibi pics of anime/manga characters, i feel like you need to be informed when you happen to put too much detail on them hehe
I know I know, but have you seen Hellsing's manga or Hellsing Ultimate? There form of chibi is so fugly! I couldnt do it ;;
I may redo this if I can figure out how to make her more chibi looking
alright ill redo it but after chem test in like 2 hours >.>
There we go, cut down on detail on the uniform and weapon, made her shorter and I think it looks better now. Think its basically chibi now?
Kinda, i'd say...
More than the first, but chibis usually (not in all cases, but most) have no noses... They also have very simplifies hands and feet...
It's hard tio explain in words really, but in the end it's a style thing...
Main thing is, that chibis must be very simplified miniature versions of whatever they resemble
Yeah I was a bit spectical about using the nose but even for chibi's in Hellsing the nose is still used. Plus with the covering of Seras eye I felt that the face would be too naked without it. With her guns spirit I couldnt reduce it to chibi form because that could reduce the impact of how he looks which is pretty rediculus looking.
It was also really hard to tone down because I was really having fun with this, first one I just kept going and going lol
Well it's a style thing :D
If this makes it more "helsing"-like, then it should stay that way as well...
If that's what your aiming for of course...
Partially yes, im not making all chibi's in the same style and im trying to add some of the specifics that are found in each anime and add it in
I view chibi designs as very simplified versions of the "real" thing with many details removed. But just enough key features remain so the character can still be easily identified.
So yeah, I can say you've succeeded in your attempt at making a chibi Seras Victoria. ^^
ty ^^
She was the one I was most worried about, now can to do Chiyo and Konata (I might do all 4 girls with Konata on top sorta lounging on the card with the the other three actually holding it up
My life sucks sometimes....
Happy Halloween All!
This one made me actually lol when I read it. Sometimes my life is so hard that it can actually be funny.
Sucks to have accomplished all your troubles, only to realize, that you find a note with those you forgot about...
Chibi 5 Witch Yuki!
She was fairly easy for me because he eye style is actually very similar to my own eye style in my comics in the original drawings of Yuki in the light novel
Chibi #6 Konata!
Chibi #7 Chiyo (if you can tell im in a rush since need to get this all together tomorrow!)
Chibi #8 Inuyasha! Im on the home stretch!
Chibi #9 Ichigo! Finally done now to put em together!
The finished work!!!! (without coloring that will be done later!)
Thanks it took a lot of effort for it to all come together, but this is only the design. Now when the color gets added I hope that it turns out even better.
I sorta feel this are lacking the anime/manga style without their proper shading and hair highlights.
That's looking great...
It's good to see that you are almost complete with it..
Newspaper is back in circulation after the holidays. So heres the next comic! My college is deciding on a new mascot... and these were the 5 choices....
Hehe... :D
Does the newspaper accept comics with such words btw..? (i mean the word "shit")
Yes its for the most part a privately run newspaper done for the school. So language for the most part is not an issue.
Oh, then i see that it doesn't matter much...
Yep, I have the ability to put whatever content I want in that little box of mine. =D