That the cancelled show futurama is comin on back!
anyway, we've got 4 telemovies split up into 16 episodes.
The first one is: Benders big score.
Plot follows:
• When the evil naked aliens launch a cyber-attack on Planet Express, they make a shocking discovery: the secret of time travel, mysteriously tattooed on Fry's buttocks. Using their devious nudist software to control Bender, they repeatedly send the beer-fueled robot back in time to loot Earth of its greatest treasures. Bender's rampage through history has shocking repercussions when he encounters Al Gore (guest-starring as himself) during the 2000 Presidential recount. Meanwhile, Leela finds true love, a beloved crew member suffers an embarrassing decapitation, and Fry learns deep secrets about his destiny and his buttocks.
And yeah, we've got guest stars:
Al Gore, Mark Hamill(LUKE), Rapper Coolio(who?), Sarah Silverman, Tom Kenny.
Excited? The first four are coming out on 27 November: (
anyway, if you wanna keep posted, go to: (
Fry sure is a boy of destiny...
what network will it be on?
Comedy Central.
Been waiting a long time for this. Watching the old episodes still never gets old, especially the one where they crashed on Amazonia.
"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised."
it is true fry gets involved in stuff like this all the time. he's awesome. gotta admit, that ending was one of the best ever.
what exactly was the ending for futurama, cant remember exactly
it was the 'devils hand are idle playthings' where fry gets the robot devils hand so he can play the holophoner, previously in the one where fry got worms, he won leela's heart with how well he could play and with these hands, he can do that.
he makes an opera and its about leela but the devil takes his hands back and fry cant play anymore, so everyone leaves and as fry is about to leave as well, leela asks him not to stop playing and wants to see the end.
he plays and it's kinda crummy music and graphics where leela and fry kiss and then hold hand and walk into the distance.
awww, thats so sweet. best ending ever.
although our screaming at the screen going 'nooo, you cant end' sort of delayed the sweeetness till the second time i watched it.
huh!? THAT was the ending??? I thought that there were further stories like about Fry's dog (god first time watching ending made me cry) and one where fry "dies"
Quote from: skycloud117 on October 02, 2007, 10:08:35 PM
huh!? THAT was the ending??? I thought that there were further stories like about Fry's dog (god first time watching ending made me cry) and one where fry "dies"
Those happened before the final episode.
/sigh guess I was wrong
yeah i cried when fry's dog died. it was that music!
Not even being reminded of Seymours tragic end can put a damper on this for me! I love futurama too much. Ff only the real Nixon had been more like his Futurama counterpart, the world would be a more fun place.
would the world be funner?
Of course! Anyone who wouldn't want to use the Tricky Dick Fun Bill as currency is a communist!
( however, being all the way over here, it'll probably be 3 weeks before i get it. even after i(note: i am not even paying for it, i got others to do so) paid so much.
i found a review of it, go on, have a look. i promise there are no spoilers. (
ugh, can someone get the picture up for me?
btw, what does everyone think of my new picture? it's from holy brownie. i was thinking of a daitenzin one though. its got misaki in it!
oh, i've also got to share a promo for the movie. (
Quote from: randamonian on November 26, 2007, 09:03:55 PM
btw, what does everyone think of my new picture? it's from holy brownie. i was thinking of a daitenzin one though. its got misaki in it!
Lol, Daitenzin. This better not be a subtle hint in my direction...
of course not...
I've seen Benders Big Score, and i believe it was ok. Albeit there are some places in which it could be improved (like towards the end with Santa-bot) but you can say this about most things.
I seriously reccomend watching this if your a furturama fan, the canon of the storyline fits perfectly within the series.
i want to avoid all spoilers please. refrain from making plot outlines or any inside jokes. it hurts, because i have to wait so long.
personally, i cant wait to see what happens with fry and leela, why zoidberg suddenly has money (as used in the last episode) and whether bender is still as great as ever. its gonna be great.
I bought it the day it came out and watched EVERYTHING it had to offer (all extras, commentary, etc).
It's more Futurama. If you love Futurama, you will enjoy the movie. I love it.
oh, i just want to know one thing. is it a satisfying ending? or does it just end? i know those guys made a good ending with the tv show.
It's a decent enough ending, but it also ended in a way that was basically like, "PS THERE ARE MORE MOVIES AFTER THIS ONE."
Anyway, I liked it. :ehail:
Quote from: Uncreativity on November 30, 2007, 01:12:18 AM
It's a decent enough ending, but it also ended in a way that was basically like, "PS THERE ARE MORE MOVIES AFTER THIS ONE."
Anyway, I liked it. :ehail:
yup thats pretty much happened
hm, great. i should find out when the next one's due. nah, nothings here, but they made an offical trailer. the link is at...oh, just go to ( that's where i get all my information. this topic is just if you cant be bothered to go there.
Okay, so we've got one down, so we are foreverly waiting is seems for the next 'tale of inter est' :
Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs
Release Date: in 2008 (exact date not set)
Guest Stars:
Voice actor Dan Castellaneta (Robot Devil) (kya, homa!)
Singer and actress Brittany Murphy
Comedian David Cross
Quantum gravity guru Prof. Stephen Hawking (himself) (i never actually thought steven hawking really did come)
i don't really have much here. i'll get it up when the date is set and/or if there is a plot line.
i got benders big score and i laughed for a very long time. it worked really well. also fry's dog makes me ;_;
i finished watching it about an hour ago. good stuff. the end really made me want more.
^^ Well, good thing there'll be 3 more movies then.
indeed...mwah hah ha...ha.
i must say that those creator guys are really good at making different emotions. they get it right every time.
Benders Big Score just aired here tonight. It was truly epic considering that Futurama has been cancelled for a few years now. Made me realize even moreso how tired The Simpsons have been in X amount of years. Futurama still feels fresh and new and yet is still cancelled - My god, why?? O.o
Matt Groening showed some respect for Family Guy too. There was a brief scene in which Fry nailed up a Family Guy calendar on the wall. Interesting to see that.
Actually Matt's a big fan of Family Guy, the writers for the Simpsons on the other hand....
been a while since i've said anything, but i've also got the beast with a billion backs.
it's not until later in the movie you get that joke. Truly a disgusting movie this one. I watched the commentary and even they were grossed out.
The third movie is to be released before Christmas, and it looks amazing.
Quote from: randamonian on October 15, 2008, 11:18:04 PM
been a while since i've said anything, but i've also got the beast with a billion backs.
it's not until later in the movie you get that joke. Truly a disgusting movie this one. I watched the commentary and even they were grossed out.
What's so disgusting about it? I haven't seen it yet, but I don't care about spoilers.
Quote from: Foggle on October 16, 2008, 07:49:01 PM
Quote from: randamonian on October 15, 2008, 11:18:04 PM
been a while since i've said anything, but i've also got the beast with a billion backs.
it's not until later in the movie you get that joke. Truly a disgusting movie this one. I watched the commentary and even they were grossed out.
What's so disgusting about it? I haven't seen it yet, but I don't care about spoilers.
mostly sexual innuendo that just is gross.
well, the movie villian [or something like that] is really just this perverted creature mating with everyone in the universe by its tenatcles. Fry becomes high preist to that thing, and stuff comes out from the creature via him. it's been a while since i've seen it, but some things i remember are that people don't have to go the bathroom anymore because the creature takes care of it. Kif dies and Zapp accidently eats some his goo splattered all over the room. Fry also gets involved in some sort of relationship with a girl where he has to share her with her other 4 boyfriends and anyone else who wants to date her. stuff like that. I'm just not a fan of that kind of humour.