Well, they've finally chosen a name for F.E.A.R.'s sequel (the old publisher owns the name "F.E.A.R.", so they can't use it anymore), and it is entitled Project Origin.
The first game was my favorite shooter ever, and this one looks equally as awesome. 18 minute gameplay video is here. (http://media.pc.ign.com/media/812/812589/vids_1.html) The controls look awful, but only because the guy is playing it on a 360. Shooters control like shit on consoles.
The game is scheduled for a Fall 2008 release. What do you think of the game so far?
shooters belong on PC. End of story.
unless you play on an xbox or something and it has some sort of auto-aim.
im not too fond of console shooters, except something like metal gear solid, or star wars battlefront. those weren't bad as shooter games.
and I can't wait for project origin, as F.E.A.R. was my favorite shooter as well.
Yes, FPS are made for PC. Also, the video made me nerdgasm. It's sure to be better than that 3rd party tripe Sierra is calling Expansion Packs.
i will cry if the game sucks :(
but the gameplay looks beautiful.
i need a new PC >__________<
Quote from: masou on December 30, 2007, 07:29:04 PM
i will cry if the game sucks :(
but the gameplay looks beautiful.
i need a new PC >__________<
Same here. Granted, mine CAN run Crysis, but on the lowest settings and with lag.
mine runs FEAR moderately well, but on low-ish settings.
however i cannot possibly even imagine hosting a game, my processor fails too much for that, i can barely play on multiplayer as is. I lag like hell
Mine can run FEAR on high-ish settings (not the highest) with few problems. Multiplayer occasionally lags. But newer games just kill it. People need to stop making their games so graphics intensive. :lordilvryannoyed:
QuotePeople need to make their games so graphics intensive.
there, fixed
personally i love high graphics games
Quote from: masou on December 31, 2007, 06:03:40 PM
QuotePeople need to make their games so graphics intensive.
there, fixed
personally i love high graphics games
I do too, but it kills mah computer.
thats why i want a new one :o
right now i'd just settle for a new processor though :/
i got it a day early.
beat it the next day.
i think the first one was scarier, but the 2nd was also good
F.E.A.R. 2 Reborn (single-player DLC expansion pack) comes out next week. I am so pumped after playing the demo, it seems to be a lot more like F.E.A.R. 1 than the actual sequel was. :D