Excel Saga Forum

Ye Old Pub => Creativity => Topic started by: E^D Crow on November 09, 2007, 04:44:18 PM

Title: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on November 09, 2007, 04:44:18 PM
Here is where I will post things I have written or drawn.
Here is some poetry:

Ode To The Clouds

There should be strange creatures down there
Running, walking, standing, at least
Among the roiling white
There should be some activity
Movement or undulation
All there is
Is stillness
Floating islands with flocks of puff
They should do something, also
Maybe they are
Maybe it is
Too subtle to see
Or just tricking me
Optical illusions
Colors fade, shrink, become one
Is it the bottom of a sea?
Could be beaches and forests, and mountains.
Devouring or protecting?
From what?  Not us.
Which is above; who can tell?
The curve is wonderful,
Watch it fade...

The Difference

Something new
Something's through
What did I do?
Nothing yet
Something soon
Burn the bridge?
Leave the king de-throned?
Just like me
But not
As it should be
Totally new
Not opposite
Does not oppose
Just different
The scent of each rose

Chapter 2

With my bare hands
I have broken the glacier
Revealing the hundreds of beautiful, sparkling layers
Layers unseen through the old, worn face
Speaking of which
There it goes now
Wave goodbye

Formation Of Thought

Put 'em all together
Metaphorically thinking, actually drinking, perpetually blinking, conceptually sinking
Add more
Make it whole
I'm metaphorically thinking, while actually drinking, everyone is perpetually blinking, and their mass beliefs are conceptually sinking.
Words made one.

More to come...
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on November 13, 2007, 07:59:14 PM
Feel free to comment, criticize, question, or simply read.

Take Me Home

Four hours in San Jose
Didn't see much of the city
Didn't see any of the city
Save for the moving scenery
And I wait
Two hours to go
I have two beers
To pass the time
To make the time pass
And I wait
Forty-five minutes to go
I sit and read
I draw and write
Kinda buzzed
And I wait
Oh I'll get home
In time
Much too late
But for now
I wait

The BenJenmins (or One Night At This Club/Bar I Go To)

You made me realize something,
for the brief moment we shared,
and I thank you for making me see
what was always there.
Your single digit invitation
(surprised me!)
was innocent and fun,
without a doubt, I would agree!
Mutual friends we know,
it's the band's third set.
For the brief moment we shared,
I'm glad we met!

THE Dogg's Life

A steady haze
A mist lingers about
Sharp blue flames pinken the steel bud
More fuel; they dance higher
Needing no help, save the perpetual
Heat & the heated hang thick
Fast & brutal, it ever reddens
Repelling the weaker
Keeping the tolerant and confident close
Doubly effective, one holds the true trump
Behind, it never stops
Continuing without foresight.
Respect is drawn by the energy
Nullifying the cheap hangers-on
Someday the truth will be exposed
None shall deny
None shall question
The final word says it all. . .
And the uncollected crumbles further,
While the true maintains.

Of course, I'll be keeping all the really angsty and mushy stuff to myself.
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on November 30, 2007, 07:18:46 PM
Aged cheese.
I made this original image about 8 years ago, using Adobe Illustrator:


Save it, and make it a tiled desktop pattern; unless it starts hurting your eyes or you just don't care for cheese, then feel free to not do as such.

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on February 08, 2008, 08:07:50 PM
This next poem is very special to me, as I originally wrote it upside-down, on the wall of my best friend's attic bedroom, soon after his mother died.  The night before he moved out of the house, we all hung out in his room, covering the walls with graffiti.  I couldn't find any other copies, and had thought it was lost.

Live On

Someone was here.
They are not now.
Sometimes I think,
to the stars.
Look inside,
& find peace.
we are all here
Could it be taken back?
I don't want that much
responsibility, thank you.

Words & song.
Thoughts & phrases.
Memories, dreams.
These live.
Esoteric thoughts live.
Don't cry.
I love you.
All of you.
Good & bad.
Charming & irritating.
Friend, foe, lover...
I am you.
You are me.
We are all one.
With love,
and humility.

It's been about 12 or 13 years since, and this copy was in an eight-year-old Zip disk that I can finally access.

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on March 28, 2008, 10:32:18 PM
Here are some masks that I painted, while I was on vacation.
Bought them at the dollar store, painted with my father's acrylic paints, with a spray-gloss clear coat.
They are about 2 ¾" H x 1 ¾" W.

The Excel mask is actually three shades of green; the bottom is not black.

I used real lace for the Hyatt mask.

Luckily, my sister had some gold paint for the Elgala mask.

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: Necrominion on March 29, 2008, 02:37:10 AM
Quote from: E^D Crow on March 28, 2008, 10:32:18 PM
Here are some masks that I painted, while I was on vacation.
Bought them at the dollar store, painted with my father's acrylic paints, with a spray-gloss clear coat.
They are about 2 ¾" H x 1 ¾" W.

The Excel mask is actually three shades of green; the bottom is not black.

I used real lace for the Hyatt mask.

Luckily, my sister had some gold paint.


I love the way you painted these, smooth colouration within each block of colour adds a credence to the work, and the fine straight edges presence on the Hyatt mask increase the overall effect.  The added extra of the silk is a nice touch as well
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 29, 2008, 03:52:50 AM
Those are really cool :D Nice job with painting those, i like how the shape of the outfits fit in there in a way too...
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on March 31, 2008, 05:16:36 PM
Thank you very much.  Having three masks in the package, I had no choice but to make them an homage to the ACROSS girls.  I had a lot of fun painting them, and would someday like to make larger versions.

This next piece is not mine!

While I was on vacation, visiting my family, I watched Azumanga Daioh with my sister.  She is 14, a freshman in high school, and she really, really enjoyed watching Azumanga Daioh with me... nothing could have made me happier.
:elvery happy: :e_very happy: :hveryhappy:

Below is a drawing she gave to me, the day before I left.  Our (mutually) favorite characters are Osaka and Sakaki.  It gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling, and I kind of got misty-eyed when she gave it to me.


Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on April 01, 2008, 01:34:00 PM
 :ehail: :elhail: :g_hail: :im_nabeshin: :lordilsmile:
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: Lord Il on April 01, 2008, 03:13:25 PM
Ok, those masks are just outstanding! It's hard to imagine them being that small. Didn't take long to clue-in as to what you were going for. A great and original tribute to Koshi Rikdou's creation. I do hope he can see these at some point. I bet it would make him smile ear to ear. Seriously.

The Azumanga Daioh picture your sister made is really cute. Make sure that goes up on your wall.  :ehail:
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on April 07, 2008, 05:01:21 PM
My sister's drawing is in an awesome "floating" glass frame.  I had it in an 8 1/2" x 11" frame, but Chio-chan's mouth was cut off, and that wouldn't do.
It's right next to the masks, on the wall:
Of course, Excel's mask is slightly higher then the other two.

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: Lord Il on April 07, 2008, 06:24:05 PM
Now that's the way to do it. :e_wink:
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 08, 2008, 04:34:06 AM
That's cool :D
Respect to your sister ..!
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: knumlab on April 09, 2008, 08:50:15 AM
nice :im_nabeshin:
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on June 25, 2008, 08:51:05 PM
Here are some pictures of me, cosplaying as Nabeshin at this year's AniméNext convention.

http://photos.animejutsu.com/tools/a.php?a=13065 (http://photos.animejutsu.com/tools/a.php?a=13065)

http://photos.animejutsu.com/tools/a.php?a=13066 (http://photos.animejutsu.com/tools/a.php?a=13066)
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: Poey on June 25, 2008, 11:25:57 PM
Wow, you pulled it off very well!
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: MincyMatsu on June 26, 2008, 07:41:07 AM
The afro suits you man :D
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on June 26, 2008, 08:43:50 PM
Thanks! :e_pleased:

That was my first time ever cosplaying, and I just kind of pieced it together.  It helps that I already had an afro wig (everyone should have one) and I had to roll up a black t-shirt to stuff it with, to keep it so tall.  Otherwise, it just limply hung on my back.

There were a lot of awesome cosplayers at AnimeNext.  I'd like to try something else.

I did have a lot of fun as Nabeshin!

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on January 24, 2009, 06:17:04 PM
All brand new poetry.  All written fairly recently:


I'm hovering around barflies
Slowly orbiting, seat to throne
Glowing, amber cascade
behind a blue sky
Swipes and clinks and pulls
Songs and words and...

eye know you

Cycling in clouds
Loping in circles
even while
an undeserving one
Free from fault?
and so it goes...


This chasm appeared,
I have put it here.
Behind invisible walls,
I can see it all.
Withered and worn,
ever striving for more.
Dessicated corpse,
dried, eaten and pored.
Arising with gall,
Hollow, standing tall.
Be a stranger to fear!
It is love you hold dear.

I once knew you

We were together
Through day
and sometimes night.

Terrible things,
Wonderful things.
And things that fright.

Unknowingly grasping
for that which you hate.
What is hidden in the light.

What once was,
what has died.
I thought I was right...

I still welcome any questions or comments.

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: MincyMatsu on January 24, 2009, 07:37:24 PM
I really like the last one "I once knew"...
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on January 31, 2009, 01:48:36 PM
Quote from: Micki! on January 24, 2009, 07:37:24 PM
I really like the last one "I once knew"...
Thank you very much.  I'm glad you like it.  Of those four, that one is especially meaningful to me.

I wrote it about someone who, for the past 20 years or so (I'm 29), I considered to be my best friend.  Recently, through his own wishes (and mental illness) he decided to very, very harshly cut himself off from everyone, through an e-mail to me.
This is the same friend I refer to in this post: http://www.excelsagaforum.com/index.php?topic=979.msg37544#msg37544 (http://www.excelsagaforum.com/index.php?topic=979.msg37544#msg37544)

While it will always be personal to me, I did try to write it so anyone can apply that same feeling of loss to their own lives.  Sometimes, explaining a poem kind of takes away from what the reader gets from it, but I don't think it's the case here.


Completely Unrelated Fun Fact®: The second to last line in "Perspective" is from the Korean animé "BASToF Syndrome".
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: MincyMatsu on January 31, 2009, 04:07:19 PM
Most poems come from personal experiences, i kind of imagined it was a thing from your past...
But you wrote it out well, i can relate to it myself without thinking of it as a spicific person being refered to...
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on February 16, 2009, 11:06:13 AM
Here are some Excel Saga Haiku I just wrote:

A tasty morsel
will you ever be eaten?
Menchi, oh menchi

An excessive zeal
that is frugal, yet futile
Down into the pit

Not a criminal
ignores laws, does not break them
well, usually...

Pale, stained, on the floor
looks so natural to her
please, revive again

He's the string puller
when the strings have wound to rope
pull, click, splash, ha ha

Bouncy, springy, bounce
Oh, look at me, look at me!
Was that said out loud?

Love from a mother
gentle, soothing with comfort
but should NOT smother

Is he not a man?
When the only thing that's flawed
is inside his head?

The world gets the truth
an honest integrity
filtered through moustache

No!  No!  No!  No!  No!
No!  No!  No!  No!  No!  No!  No!
I hate you, Pedro

Stolen memories...
mercifully killing friends...
To the next hotel!

NOT :e_annoyed:
Looks, talks, sounds, and acts
not as she is, as she should?
but you are not she

Stolen, taken, Chi
by her Lord, underhanded
I will go lower

I'd like to write one for each character.
More to come...

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: MincyMatsu on February 16, 2009, 11:47:50 AM
The one that pulled a smile on me must have been Elgala's :D hahaha...
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on March 07, 2009, 09:51:10 PM
I was a fetish...
Am I now out of control?
Or now in control?

Was I just a tool?
Gone, or just misremembered?
Who am I, really?

Listen, the silence...
is my real, actual voice!
I've a lot to say!

Professor, please, please!
Look!  Look at me now!  Please?
How I long for him...

:miss manager:
Tsunami lashes.
Versatile disposition.
Let's make the money!

Most mysterious...
Just who are you, anyway?
Kabapu's linchpin?

Anyone else I'm forgetting, someone remind me, and I'll make a haiku for them.  

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 07, 2009, 11:44:20 PM
Well since you included Pedro, i guess Nabeshin would fit in too...

Would Tenmangu also be an option, although we hven't really seen him yet (well, at least not his eyes, haha)
I'd love to see Dr. Iwata and Nurse Fukuya, i secretly love these two people, haha...

You need Misaki too, don't forget her..!
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on March 10, 2009, 07:40:21 PM
Quote from: Micki! on March 07, 2009, 11:44:20 PM
Well since you included Pedro, i guess Nabeshin would fit in too...

Would Tenmangu also be an option, although we hven't really seen him yet (well, at least not his eyes, haha)
I'd love to see Dr. Iwata and Nurse Fukuya, i secretly love these two people, haha...

You need Misaki too, don't forget her..!

Ask, and ye shall receive!

Exceeding Excel
With those inanities... but!
They were all called for!

Only he knows why
he left his only son to
pick up the pieces...

:Dr. Iwata:
Much more than "practice"
I am creating ART, here!
Check it out, ladies.

:Nurse Fukuya:
Baby sitting him.
Reprimanding him, again.
Bludgeoning him! Aaahhh...

The voice of reason,
to whom no one will listen.
At least she can watch...

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 10, 2009, 10:09:58 PM
My favorite of those last ones would be Dr. Iwata and Misaki :D
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: Lord Il on March 16, 2009, 03:02:05 PM
Quote from: E^D Crow on March 07, 2009, 09:51:10 PM

Was I just a tool?
Gone, or just misremembered?
Who am I, really?

heh... That made me actually sympathetic for Ropp I.
Sympathy for a robot.... wth is up with that, huh? :il_hahaha:

I like all of those, E^D Crow. Amazing how just a few lines sum things up so well. Epic.
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on March 19, 2009, 10:17:28 PM
Quote from: Lord Il on March 16, 2009, 03:02:05 PM
heh... That made me actually sympathetic for Ropp I.
Sympathy for a robot.... wth is up with that, huh? :il_hahaha:

I like all of those, E^D Crow. Amazing how just a few lines sum things up so well. Epic.
Thank you very much.  I'm glad to hear that it had an effect on you.  I tried to humanize Ropponmatsu I, because I felt like she's been thought of as nothing more then a tool, especially by Kabapu and Il Palazzo.  What is her 'core', and why is it that she (usually) thinks on her own?

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on November 04, 2009, 04:51:25 PM
My Halloween Costume:

http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=68806647&albumId=2977772 (http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=68806647&albumId=2977772)

Pictures taken before and during the parade.  I like to show up really early, like 3 or 4 hours before it starts.

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on August 01, 2011, 06:16:09 PM
Did someone say "ponies"?  No?

OK, I finally got into the show, and it is just as good as they say it is...

Now, below, in that there spoiler, you will find pics of a Rarity toy that I customized into a horrible and disturbing abomination.

It took over 2 hours to replace her hair with black and grey wire.

The long tentacles are her tail.

Yeah, that's a tiny statue of St. Joseph and baby Jesus replacing her horn.[/spoiler]

I'm still working on the other 5 main characters.  They will all be creepy, weird, and surreal, but this was the first one I finished, and most extreme example.

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: SWamP on August 02, 2011, 03:06:24 PM
Quote from: E^D Crow on August 01, 2011, 06:16:09 PM
Did someone say "ponies"?  No?

OK, I finally got into the show, and it is just as good as they say it is...

Now, below, in that there spoiler, you will find pics of a Rarity toy that I customized into a horrible and disturbing abomination.

It took over 2 hours to replace her hair with black and grey wire.

The long tentacles are her tail.

Yeah, that's a tiny statue of St. Joseph and baby Jesus replacing her horn.[/spoiler]

I'm still working on the other 5 main characters.  They will all be creepy, weird, and surreal, but this was the first one I finished, and most extreme example.


:elangry: You monster!
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: Lord Il on August 02, 2011, 03:43:29 PM
Oh my god! :il_hahaha:
So.... Do you like MLP or detest it? :e_tongue:

I like your style, though!
You pretty much make in 3D what I used to make in 2D back in my high school art classes. Ah, the strange and wonderful things I used to come up with. Kept my art teachers fascinated and fellow students disturbed. :e_wink:

Hope to see much more of this!
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: Foggle on August 02, 2011, 09:49:15 PM
Can't say I like that show (or that I've ever watched it), but that's some damn fine work. Just sublime. :im_nabeshin:
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on August 02, 2011, 10:04:29 PM
Quote from: SWamP on August 02, 2011, 03:06:24 PM
:elangry: You monster!
Yes, I admit it: it's true. :shiouji:

Quote from: Lord Il on August 02, 2011, 03:43:29 PM
Oh my god! :il_hahaha:
So.... Do you like MLP or detest it? :e_tongue:

I like your style, though!
You pretty much make in 3D what I used to make in 2D back in my high school art classes. Ah, the strange and wonderful things I used to come up with. Kept my art teachers fascinated and fellow students disturbed. :e_wink:

Hope to see much more of this!
Thanks!  I do like the show.  Really, I do!  X^D

Quote from: Foggle on August 02, 2011, 09:49:15 PM
Can't say I like that show (or that I've ever watched it), but that's some damn fine work. Just sublime. :im_nabeshin:
I'm glad you like it, Foggle.   :e_pleased:
I honestly thought the whole popularity of it was a joke.  Then I watched a few episodes, and really enjoyed it.  Well written, very funny (even with the loads and loads of puns), very well animated, subtle jokes and references that kids won't get yet also actually make sense within the story.  It's not high art, but a hell of a lot better than any cartoon I've seen since Spongebob got dumbed down.


I'm calling the series 'Un Poney Andalou' (even though there are six of them), in homage to my hero: Salvadore Dali  I forgot to mention that the title of that Rarity is 'The Uncommon'.  I haven't been this eager to be creative in years, and I went out and bought, like, $200 worth of art supplies and toys to use for parts, including the top-of-the-line Dremel 4000 (plus the carving/engraving set of bits).

So you have an idea of what to look forward to:

Works in progress:
-Pinkie Pie is turning into a scrap-metal cyborg (inspired by Tetsuo The Iron Man).
-Twilight Sparkle will be[spoiler]-CLASSIFIED-[/spoiler]

Not started yet / barely worked on:
-Applejack will eventually become a patchwork rag-doll/scarecrow.  Not sure exactly which way I'm going to go.  Definitely green buttons for eyes, though.
-Fluttershy will be an angel, as described by Ezekiel (six wings, the hands of a man, four faces, and covered with eyes).  The only problem is: I have to buy, and then remove the hair of, three more Fluttershys!   :hdead:  That one's going to take the longest to actually make.animals.
-Rainbow Dash is going to be the most difficult to realize...  She'll be, like, an electrified hotrod/comet...thing.

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on August 07, 2011, 09:47:07 PM
Because there are just too damn many pictures, here's my Deviant Art page of this series.  I've been there 2 years, and these are among the only thing's I've posted.  I'll put up the ACROSS girls masks soon!  I totally forgot about those.   :il_hahaha:

Next up:  digitus minimus 3.14
or, Pink'mina, the Iron Pony



P.S.  Also added the perpetually popular pony: Fluttershy.
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on August 26, 2011, 06:55:46 PM
This is the pic that I submitted to be included in Volume 23.
It is also in the Fanart section of our Gallery!


Also!  If you are reading this message, click this link!

More of Un Poney Andalou.  I don't really feel like hosting a bunch of pictures that are already hosted elsewhere, and there are a lot of them.
You can see some nice close-up pics of Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack.  All surreal, some disturbing.
Twilight Sparkle will be added later, because I promised someone that she would be the first to see it.

Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: SWamP on September 20, 2011, 11:57:25 AM
QuoteMore of Un Poney Andalou.


Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on September 27, 2011, 08:11:11 PM
Quote from: SWamP on September 20, 2011, 11:57:25 AM
QuoteMore of Un Poney Andalou.


Yeah, Dalí has been a big influence on my overall outlook of what art is or can be.  Mostly his paintings; I more recently discovered this short film.
It's a true classic.  Just don't try to make sense of it, because it's not supposed to...  Kind of like what I've been doing.  ;^J
I also re-created the original poster:

Thanks for posting the link!  It's public domain now...  Why didn't I think of that?   :e_embarassed:


P.S.  *Very convincing eyeball injury in the beginning (it was a dead donkey).*
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: SWamP on September 28, 2011, 01:00:28 AM
Actually, that film is a Luis Buñuel and Dalí film...

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Un_Chien_Andalou (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Un_Chien_Andalou)

I know my stuff: I'm a Spaniard too  :il_hahaha:
Title: Re: The Caws
Post by: E^D Crow on October 01, 2011, 07:33:09 PM
Well, yeah, I knew that...  ;^_^  It's just that Dalí has been more of an influence on me than Buñuel...

ANY-way!  Here, look at these pretty flowers:  http://emeralddarkcrow.deviantart.com/gallery/32906512

...more to come.