i kinda got the idea from another topic, but this time all time favourites for:
Song, band and video clip:
TV show:
General thing:
i think i ran out...now that i think about it, has this been done before it has, hasn't it? oh, well, ill set this up anyway.
Song: Don't Drop It, by G. Love
Band: That Handsome Devil
Video clip: Like, from YouTube? If so, then this one. (http://youtube.com/watch?v=NQGA6eZmZyg)
TV show: Battlestar Galactica (2003)
Movie: In Bruges
Cartoon: Futurama
Book: Red Dragon, by Thomas Harris
Manga: Excel Saga (of course)
Anime: Cowboy Bebop
Sport: Basketball
General thing: Being alive
Updated for 2011!
Song: Right this second, "Ocean Planet" by Gojira
Band: Right this second, "Gojira"
Video clip: ?
TV show: Futurama
Movie: No clue...
Cartoon: Futurama... wait...
Book: Dune (series), by Frank Herbert
Manga: I'm illiterate.
Anime: Right this second, Full Metal Alchemist
Sport: Badminton
General thing: Ambience, and escaping reality.
Video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgSPO8ym3yU
TV show: Now - Heroes/All Time - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Movie: Clerks
Cartoon: Invader Zim
Book: Art of War
Manga: Excel Saga
Anime: Fate/Stay Night and TMoHS
Sport: Kumite
General thing: Them games on the moving picture box.
Song: John Cheese's version of "hey there delilah"
Band: fluctuates
Video clip: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3623988404501943066&q=4+idiots&total=1528&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1 (http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3623988404501943066&q=4+idiots&total=1528&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1)
TV show: Coupling, Spooks before it got all contrived (Series 5 onwards)
Movie: Ichi the killer
Cartoon: South Park
Book: John Dies at The End
Manga: Gantz
Anime: Don't really watch much. Yu-gi-oh the abridged series is pretty hilarious Does that count?
Sport: Squash
General thing: Innovation
Song: Cold Water - Tom Waits
Band: They Might Be Giants
Video clip: Er, what? :e_confused:
TV show: Robot Chicken
Movie: The Dark Crystal
Cartoon: Family Guy
Book: Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
Manga: Excel Saga
Anime: Basilisk
Sport: Rollerblading? Is it even a sport..?
General thing: Arachnids
i'll do this too i guess,
song and video clip: mixed bizness
band: ok go (awww, yeahhh)
Movie: i have none
TV show: arrested development/the office(american version)
cartoon: simpsons/futurama
Book: catch 22
Anime: ------
Manga: Excel Saga
Sport: uh, running, skiing and snorkelling(from that one time, i can say that)
General thing: i guess just getting a new toy(book or something), somethin good to eat and listen to music and stuff on my day off - you gotta admit that hanging out like that's great. second is getting out of stuff like school or any job or responsibily. yeah, im lazy.
Song: Sympathy for the Devil or Big Balls
Band: ACDC
video clip: Humuna, wha?
TV show: A few I like equally - Stargate SG1, Deep Space Nine, Futurama, and Black Adder (First season and Christmas Carol)
Movie: Aliens
Cartoon: Um, Futurama I guess
Book: Oooh, too many to choose from. My favorite Literary works are probably Heart of Darkness and All Quiet on the Western Front, and Catch 22. Popular writing wise - Interesting Times and Good Omens top the list. But there is so much more (I am getting my Masters in English Literature after all).
Manga: Excel Saga
Anime: Cowboy Bebop
Sport: Martial Arts - but I don't do "competitive" martial arts, it's more for my health and personal defense.
General thing: When corrupt people get what's coming to them.
hmmm lets see
Song: Why Don't You Get A Job by the Offspring
band: Foo Fighters
video clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSDFUAoKmxI
TV show: BOTTOM!!! (see fave clip)
Movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Cartoon: Family Guy
Book: haven't got a favorite book
Manga: Excel Saga
Anime: Azumanga Daioh
Sport: Rugby
General thing: Winter
yep this pretty much covers it all :ehail:
ugh, i think some have been confused with the video clip question(my sanity feels questioned) but i just meant, putting it together with the general music thing, that i meant you had a video clip you liked or thought it made one of you're favorite song better, or whatever.
but also, you can write general video from you tube or something...just write whatever you want. if you have any other types of favorites, just put them in.