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Topics - Pointless

Pages: [1]
The Manga / Which Excel Saga Manga Volumes are Forum Members Missing?
« on: June 28, 2010, 08:55:13 PM »
Although we know that some volumes of the Excel Saga manga, such as 7 & 8, are hard to obtain, I'd like to try to find out just how many of each volume Forum members are missing and would presumably like to find copies of!

If you're still looking for a volume (or volumes), please post in this topic which ones you need. Every so often, I'll tabulate the results so that we can all keep watch for sources of the missing volumes.

So, please post:
   If you are missing specific volumes;
   If you subsequently find a volume you were missing;
   If you know where to find a missing volume; and,
   If you're up to date, and just want to brag!

 :ropponmatsuI: All data will be processed by the ACROSS Statistics Department. Our motto is: "All Data are Corrupt!"

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