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Topics - FullmetalExcel

Pages: [1]
Games / World of Warcraft
« on: August 07, 2009, 01:35:03 PM »
I was wondering if anyone here played World of Warcraft? I play a Blood elf Mage and a level 70 Blood Elf Death Knight. I'm going to start a Paladin too while trying to base it off of an Excel Saga Character! I play on a PVP(Player Verses Player) sever called Bonechewer.

For the Horde!!! :elhail:

General / OutDoor Adventures!
« on: May 30, 2008, 05:18:42 PM »
I have my own show on youtube about the outdoors in southern ohio. check it out sometime! new episodes soon! Me and my gf fishing!

Babble / My videos on YouTube and Myspace
« on: May 17, 2008, 03:19:39 PM »
Hay all!

 I have posted many wonderful videos about the outdoors and golf on YouTube and Myspace. Check them out and tell me what you think. I am still experimenting with making videos and am looking for what makes me happy. So far I have made a new show called OutDoor Adventures With Zach Coriell (Thaaaaaats me!) I am also working on some golf videos. Come and check em out

most of my videos are on YouTube but if you have myspace then add me. :ehail:

Babble / The Excel Saga Dating Sim.
« on: February 01, 2008, 08:35:12 PM »
                          Excel Saga Dating Sim.

                               Love Puny

                               By Nabesoft

                          And by FullMetalExcel

Welcome everyone!
As follows are the rules and instructions on how to play.

The dating sim is ran by me and friends. I will let other people take over if they want to enjoy the fun of storytelling the game. Pm me if you're interested in helping out every once in awhile.The game is basic, the story teller explains what is going on around the players and then gives them options on what to do. Kinda like a real dating sim for everyone thats familiar with them. 

Please do not post anything other then game answers here. It would interrupt game play and make it hard for me to see what everyone wants. When you post please copy the game options and repost them to yours. It will make it easier for me to understand what your doing without looking back for it.

I am also adding a new feature to the game that would make it more like a dating sim. You will be allowed to posses items in the game. To give as gifts and use otherwise. When you are given an item in the game. Repost your item list every time you post in the game. Which after awhile you can just copy part of your last posts.

I will give everyone the same first option but after that its all different from then on. Everyones stories are unique and fair to the very end. I promise and thats a rule for everyone else that story tells here. Also for people interested in story telling.    New items must be ran by me before posting a game option. I dont want out power the other players.

Use your items in game by typing use item (that items name) beside your game answer. to give a gift type give=classmate excel (item name).

On your first post tell me if your male or female. You can also give a little extra info about your character on the first post. Like what he/she looks like or how they act. Remember you start with only a school uniform to wear.

Please enjoy and have fun.

-------------------------Example of game play-----------

This is an example on how to play and use items.
--game option

You find your self in the lunch room talking to class mate excel. after telling her your name you find her looking at you confused. what are you doing?

1. Walking away with your head down.
2. Starting a fight with her.
3. Say "wanna hang out?"
4. Say "I love you excel!"
5. Put it in

----This is your answer post and how to give a gift using your items-----

3 Give-classmate excel (Flowers)

And then post your item list and then your done. Using your items takes them away from your list. In other lose them. So update your list after useing items.

***** :ehail: :g_hail: :elhail: Lets go!

You open your eyes and look around your room. Still dizzy from sleep you stand up and examine the alarm clock. Its almost time for school and your going to be late if you dont hurry up. What are you doing?

1. Jumping into your cloths and heading out the door.
2. Taking a relaxing shower and then leaving.
3. Going outside naked.
4. Eating breakfast with your family.
5. Watching tv while eating a bag of potato chips.
6. Taking a quick shower and then running out the door.
7. Thinking about the new volume of Excel Saga.
8. Put it in

Starting items are as follows.

1 bag of potato chips.
1 school uniform.
1 wallet with id.
1 book bag with school books.

300 Yen.

Babble / Scary pics. Warning they are scary!
« on: September 29, 2007, 09:48:47 PM »
You will need this

Cuz you might face this

Maybe hyatt has been here!

This is my little sister

This is just creepy

Games / Blue Dragon!
« on: September 22, 2007, 10:08:02 AM »
Blue dragon is awesome! the graphics are kick ass and the story is good too. i hope this games paves the way for more RPGs on the 360. has anyone here played it?

Games / Role playing games
« on: September 14, 2007, 09:55:22 PM »
Does anyone here play any role playing games like Dugeions and dragons,White wolf,Exalted,gurps,Besm, or any more??

General / X-men and there awesomeness
« on: September 14, 2007, 09:51:01 PM »
I have loved the X-men for all of my childhood life and i wanna see if anyone here likes the comic book.cartoons. or the movie. My fav x-men is not a x-men but the leader of the brother hood....magneto!

Who is your fav?

Music / American songs or other
« on: September 03, 2007, 07:24:17 PM »
Hay this is for americans and others from elsewhere.

Hay you ever heard a song that truly made you feel love for your country? I mean every time i hear amazing grace..i wanna cry out in praise for my country and so many other songs make me feel the same.

please share

Characters / The love for doctor iwata
« on: September 02, 2007, 06:41:00 PM »
Man i feel i should show some respect for doctor iwata and his amazingly loyal Nurse. I like the man even though i would not have him as my family doctor. Or even go to that hospital. even if i was on my death bed. but anyways lets hear a shout out for the man  we all know and love--------Doctor iwata!!!!!!


General / Rocking it out
« on: August 25, 2007, 12:38:00 PM »
Me and some of my friends went to A Hell yeah and Cluch concert last weekend and we had a blast. beer was like 2 dollors a piece so i spent about 120 bucks on beer alone. the show was good and we were drunking smoking a J or two. and i busted my lip mash pitting lol.

Ever been to any rock conerts?

Manga / Dragon quest manga
« on: August 12, 2007, 11:18:41 AM »
wassup all.. goth here spreading the word about the dragon quest manga i've just started reading at i was a fan of the games so i checked it out and liked what i found :ehail: the manga is filled with wounderful artwork and story telling. it follows the story of dai..a boy raised by monsters, the only human on his island, and trained to one day be a hero. check it  out..

and on another note i have been advertiseing this forum every were on the web. soo hopfully we will get some new blood to play with lol.

ohh and i MUST HAVE THOSE EXCEL SAGA FIGURines!!!!!!!!!!! :im_nabeshin:

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