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Topics - DarkLightMoJo

Pages: [1]
Babble / Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game Resurrection
« on: February 16, 2007, 06:21:40 AM »
The name says it all.  No question is safe from the twisted minds of the internet.  I'm looking for a really good turn out, so I want everyone to really let loose and give it their best.  We're going for a bajillion gillion posts, so Attack Attack Attack!!!!!!!  Take no prisoners!!!!

Now, to test your knowledge of physics.  Extra Credit available for Vector diagram.
Q: If a Vertrulean Class Battlecruiser leaves Spaceport 9 headed towards Starpoint Gamma-Tau88 at warp factor 4, and a Bosconian Class Cargo vessel at warp factor 7 leaves Spaceport 5 headed towards Starpoint Theta-Sigma42, what will be their force of impact when they collide at Starpoint Delta-Xi09?

General / Doctor Who? {Insert Electronic Opening Theme Here}
« on: October 01, 2006, 04:29:53 PM »
Awesome!  The longest running television series in the world returns!
David Tennant's first season as The Doctor just started on the Sci-Fi Channel.  He's quite similar to Chris Eccelston's portrail of the Doctor, but a lot more spunky.  I hope The Master makes a comeback.  He can escape from the Eye of Harmony, right?
The Daleks rock!! Totally awesome!!

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