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Messages - Phnx28

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Creativity / Writing Relay
« on: September 25, 2006, 08:00:40 AM »
Reminder: All errors in Excel's and Sumiyoshi's quotes intentional for in-character purposes. Anime/manga hybrid warning since both Roppponmatsus are operational at once and Elgala is present.
The streets of Fukuoka were dark and heavy with the twilight mist, seeming to hang particularly oppressively around the high-rise City Hall in which the Department of City Environmental Security was housed. Unbeknownst to the few citizens ambling about their business in this corrupt world, multiple  separate parties were about to have a collision which, though not titanic in and of itself, would reverberate so in the very near future.
The first party, however, was utterly dependent on the mist for stealth since its communications discipline left a great deal indeed to be desired. "I don't understand it, but it's just me! Prowling around F-City just kidnapping Misaki!" Excel's song mostly served to send the crowd running as quickly home as possible to forget this bizarre, scimitar-wielding cosplayer girl they'd just seen as soon as possible. Thus, it was only partially compromising on her part.
Even that was enough for the second party, though. "Hey Misaki! DO YOU HEAR THAT?" Daiten S-Mart, the reanimated cyborg now officially named "Mr. Mitsukoshi" after a failed applicant for the red power suit, and unofficially still Norikuni Iwata to his colleagues in the Special Municipal Force Daitenzin, bellowed to his comrade-in-arms as they continued patrolling the back alleys in search of the ACROSS operative that had just brutally assassinated the Mayor via multiple gunshot and stab wounds all over his body.
"YES idiot, I hear that! And you, unfortunately..." Daiten Fredericks, or Misaki Matsuya as she still insisted on calling herself to spite their madman of a boss Doctor Kabapu, retorted to her cyborg suitor/stalker of many years. "So ACROSS wants me, eh? Well, let them come and get me then... They'll just learn my combined power with the Ropponmatsus and our DOUBLE GIGALOT!"
In perhaps the most ambiguous feature of the Daiten powersuits, Misaki was subconsciously compelled to join hands on that invocation with her two android companions, Daiten Twin Cinemas 1 & 2 or (equally) Ropponmatsu 1 & 2, in a very ecchi pose as they together gave off an aura of lightning that singed the unfortunate Iwata/Daiten S-Mart to a red-suited crisp.
Toru Watanabe, or Daiten Macy's as was his most unfortunate codename, simply hung his head in despair as Iwata moaned in agony/ecstasy despite the world's indifference. He thought, just barely aloud alas like a certain member of ACROSS, "Why oh WHY am I still involved with these people after all these years? Nothing gets done; no progress get's made AT ALL in anything and I'm STILL not in my rightful place at the divine Miss Ayasugi's side..." He started sobbing as the remembered glimpses of his fantasy woman crawling away from the scene of the assassination in a trail of her own coughed-up blood still haunted him into inaction.
"Ah don' think yer' lass is tha' divine an' aall, Watanabe." Daimaru Sumiyoshi, or Daiten Cafeteria rather, corrected his comrade and roommate in typically brusque, accented and nigh-subliminal fashion. "Especially wi' her addin' a count o' capital murdah' to 'er terr'ism rap, like."
"Yeah!" Iwata recovered from his latest Misaki-inflicted paingasm just in time to rub it in, as always. "She'll be lucky just to hang after our country's anal-retentive legal system get's done with her; assuming ol' Kaba-poop doesn't just have us summarily off her, ha ha!" Iwata only had two milliseconds to regret his words before Watanabe's 'Giga Smash' attack pounded him 1.5 meters into the pavement, leaving him dazed yet again.
"SH-SHUT UP! Just SHUT UP you retarded bastard! The only one here deserving summary execution is a certain DAITEN S-MART I happen to know!" Watanabe's reflexive defense of Hyatt prompted him to pour out his mind's latest (feeble) rationalizations to keep her an image of purity in its eyes. "Surely the killer was an evil clone! Or an android! Or some murderous magical illusion thingy designed by the evil ACROSS to frame poor Miss Ayasugi for their dastardly terrorism!"
"Aye... Fellas?" Sumiyoshi began gesticulating for them to notice what was going on behind their argument.
"NO WAY, MAN!" Iwata hauled himself from the hole as he readied his twin beam pistols for the 'Best Electron' special attack. "Face it! Your girlfriend is a wanted terrorist and capital murderess. You're in denial, and I for one am calling an intervention. Who's with me?" The answer he got was hardly the one he wanted.
"AYE FELLAS!" Sumiyoshi subliminally screamed as he whapped them both with his trademark 'Scot Bomber' special attack. "Ah've been tryin' to tell ye an' aall 'at MISAKI AN' SECOND-CHAN ARE GAAN-LIKE!"
"Indeed, senior Sumiyoshi." Ropponmatsu 1 replied with typical blandness as she lay splayed out on the pavement in a pool of morbidly aromatic blood, her head partially popped off and bouncing on its neck spring from an unspecified attack. "During the altercation between Seniors Iwata and Watanabe, Senior Matsuya was bled upon and pinned by a collapsing ACROSS operative who matched Miss Ayasugi's description and stumbled out the back door immediately behind Senior Matsuya. Following this, a blonde terrorist wielding a giant scimitar and screaming indecipherable ACROSS slogans nearly decapitated me in a fortuitiously-timed surprise assault from a nearby alley; then proceeded to drag Senior Matsuya and her apparently-deceased cohort away while Second skipped after them in pursuit. Unfortunately, a katana-wielding terrorist emerged from another side door to City Hall and rendered Second in similar condition to this one shortly thereafter, claiming something along the lines of 'I won't let you touch MY Senior that way, you stinking android filth!'"
None of the remaining Daitenzin wanted to even think about why Ropponmatsu 2 might've pusued Excel in that... particular way. Or about the perfect recording of Elgala's bizarrely opportune counterattack Ropponmatsu 1 had just replayed. With Misaki captured and two of their number down, it seemed that yet again the foibles of Municipal Force Daitenzin had given the Secret Ideological Organization of ACROSS a victory it certainly could not have attained otherwise...

Creativity / Writing Relay
« on: September 20, 2006, 05:54:33 AM »
Way cool, I'm in. 8) Disclaimer: Any and all errors of grammar, spelling or WHATEVER in Excel's quotes are entirely intentional, I'm trying to stay faithful to how poor her speech really is in the anime. Other quotes are subject to proper laws of editing, however, so don't be shy about pointing stuff out.

The man, Lord Ilpalazzo of the formally named "Secret Organization for the Promotion of the Institutionalization of the [Supreme Ideological] Ideal [on Earth] ACROSS," greeted his subordinates with the well-worn disregard that comes from years of repeated disenchantment. "Good morning agents... I trust that your efforts to retrieve the legendary Crane Deck of master strategist Zuo Ci from the Three Kingdoms era in China was alas a failure." As was the effort to find the ruins of the lost Nonbendararin civilization; as was the attempt to blackmail the F-City, F-Prefecture government into resigning in a silent ACROSS coup; as were all the other secret missions Ilpalazzo deigned to devise for his (utterly mindless) minions between his all important game times and visual rock practices. "It's getting so bad I can't even get my Third Weapon; dammit, this world is so corrupt!" Ilpalazzo braced after this thought for what would come next.
"Sorry your lordship... but yep! We scoured China from top to bottom to middle kingdom like the greasy restaurant pan of decadent pseudo-communist-capitalist corruption it seems to be these days but found no absolutely the sign that any such weapon had existed ever in fact. That," Agent Excel posed sheepishly as she recalled, "and we kind of had a run in with the local authorities ROOM DE SECURITY! El-chan couldn't stop whining for fear of the smells she caught from some of the nearby rooms, and Ha-chan did her usual coping measure in such situations: bleeding out onto the nearest guard and dying; which conveniently caused enough of a distraction for your ENDLESSLY FAITHFUL EXCEL to kick out 'ze door and go all GUARANDOO on the Liberation Army and Armed Police People's butts! Finally, after getting some really nice complements on my Japanese back @ the local Immigration holding center, where they brought us when we washed ashore, I revived Ha-chan with a spare purple-ish wand thingy I found lying nearby for no apparent reason and dragged El-chan whining and all along with her here so we could report to you with no absolutely the delay! END REPORT!"
SNAP! Lord Ilpalazzo wasted no time in pulling the cord above his throne's right arm, sending Excel into The Pit, a longstanding institution within ACROSS. "That messy business over with... Hyatt, Elgala, are you both...?" Ilpalazzo notcied that Hyat was already keeled over again in a pool of her own blood and hanging precariously close to joining Excel down The Pit, Elgala kneeling at the edge and (just barely) weeping after her 'seniors' in ACROSS.
Ilpalazzo had been trying to devise a city conquest plan while enduring his first agent's rantings, and even had a sketch of a promising operation by now. Maybe one that would succeed in distracting his agents so he could score a class change to Summoner in his newly-bought FFIII for the DS, at least. But he saw things were going to be as difficult as ever on this, another normal day for the Secret Ideological Organization ACROSS...

Anime / At least this might not get rushed like the others.
« on: September 18, 2006, 08:18:29 AM »
A third and fourth movie will finally let the Eva mythos resolve the whole Instrumentality arc rather than dropping off at the last minute like both of the old endings did. There are downsides to that, of course, but from watching the whole series and what parts of D&R/EoE I've seen, they validate George Lucas' claim about movies never being finished so much as abandoned. GAINAX did well IMO within what constraints were put on them by both fans and sponsors, granted, but even the supposed End of Evangelion leaves many threads hanging from the tatters of those it tried to flamethrower JSSDF-style. The fourth movie should be especially interesting if it deals with any aftermath of Third Impact and how life will go on if indeed it does post-Instrumentality.

Anime / The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
« on: September 07, 2006, 10:13:37 PM »
Have seen the music vids by now; still trying to find time to sort through the episode bits with the best subtitles tough. Definitely consider me an initiate of Haruhiism at least, might take a while to make full convert digging around for good subs until the official stuff crosses the bigger pond. But from the "God Knows" and ending vids alone, my opinion of this series is :D, and my expectations are 8) , 'nuff said.

Announcements / Longtime lurker has finally joined ACROSS!
« on: September 01, 2006, 08:14:41 AM »
Hail Ilpalazzo! :twisted: Phnx28 here, posting in after spending a loong time as the proverbial awestruck window-shopper (too awestruck to note registration was free, alas :oops: )
Name: Charles Howe
Age: 24 at posting
Location: Oak Ridge, TN USA or Sonza, Union of Yuktobanian Republics (decisions, decisions... :? )
Occupation: Operator
Favorite Anime: Gundam Wing (first anime I watched as such; now one I own as well...), Big O, Galaxy Angel Z, Excel Saga (which I also own; still my overall favorite despite some intrusions by  :arrow: .), Neon Genesis Evangelion (Also own, and equal to Excel Saga in my esteem. 8) ), Love Hina (working on owning...), Ah! My Goddess! ( SILLY! :lol: ; working on owning...) , Paranoia Agent, Azumanga Daioh, Read or Die (which I also own. A geeks' geek's anime; 'nuff said and cool because 8) ), Ghost in the Shell SAC (own one disc from both seasons, without much prospect of completing them in the near future, alas :cry: ).
Favorite Manga: Love Hina, Excel Saga, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days, Juror 13, Read or Die, Galaxy Angel.
Other Interests: Very scatterbrained but most fond of books (Wheel of Time, Master & Commander series especially), video games (waay too many favorites to count, but it basically comes down to a battle of Dynasty Warriors versus Ace Combat for supremacy over The Round Table), dogs (raising a two-and-a-half year-old Golden named Reese), TV (SciFi and CNN mostly; but I surf the action channels from time to time. And of course there's G4!) History (Real and Alternate; especially Military/Political and Intellectual.).

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