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Messages - WolfeMcGowann

Pages: 1 [2]

Like the new creation very much, especially the white rabbit there. Although I think I'll be seeing the twins in some disturbing dreams in the near future...

Games / Re: Moments of "Lame"
« on: September 07, 2009, 11:54:57 AM »

One of my moments was Ouendan related too, in the second game. Without getting too specific, think last level of Ultra Hard hidden female cheerleader mode.

It took me 4 months on that single level.... :hdead:

Needless to say, it ruined whatever the hell that song is, and I can't ever replay it on ANY difficulty without feeling compelled to smash something. Other controller demolishing games are the Contra series and the first Disgaea. I just did not have the patience to number grind my way to the end, except to get to Level 90 inside a weapon. When I got out, someone had scrubbed the memory card and it was to full of other stuff to make a new save. That was the last time I ever played that.

Games / Re: Favorite Game Quote and/or Cutscenes?
« on: September 07, 2009, 11:43:50 AM »

My favourite would have to be either the opening to Another Century's Episode 3:

Filled with famous robot goodness..... :il_hahaha:

Or the opening cinematic of Final Fantasy X. I was only 14 when I first played it, and it was the first game I got for the PS2, so the visuals and creativity of it blew me away. Still gotta be my favourite RPG ever.

Creativity / Re: Micki!'s manga drawings (and non manga if i feel like it)
« on: September 02, 2009, 05:23:27 PM »

Hey Micki!, was just reading through all this, and Christ on a bicycle, do you have talent! It was pretty fun seeing how much you improved since the first post in 2007. I especially loved the coloured in Kabapu, he just so.... businessy! Oh, and the Ilpallazos as well. I can't pick any more favourites 'cos I'd feel guilty for leaving out all the others I like. But yeah, your skill is such that it makes me vomit with rage towards my own lack of said skill!  :elhail:

That's a compliment by the way...  :il_hahaha:


Man, those ceramics are good. You talent filled people would make me jealous, if I had a single creative bone in my body, but I don't so it's all good. I thought you would need some sort of crazy huge furnace to make something like that, and maybe a hut in the Swiss Alps or something.  Oh, and that vase was especially great. Out of curiosity, how big is it?

Games / Re: Your Top 5
« on: September 01, 2009, 02:49:44 PM »

How do you go about playing imported PS2 games? Did you hack your PS2 or buy a Japanese one or what? I'd like to know a cheap way to go about doing this. :)

There are lots of options, but in essence it boils down to what type of PS2 you have: the slim one or the boxy original one. For the boxy original one, its quite simple; I use a little gadget called Swap Magic, available from this site (which does look a little dodgy, I admit, but I ordered from them and they ponyed up the goods which, happily, do what they're supposed to. And they didn't even scam my credit card details! Talk about excellent customer service!)

Anyway, the site:

The boxy Playstation 2 requires that you remove the cover of the disk tray (you know, the bit with the spinning PS2 logo) and replace it with a new one that has a slit in it. The site provides this, the boot up disc and a keycardish thingy. First you insert the disc as you do a normal game. You then use a kind of keycardish thingy to swipe open the PS2 tray without pressing eject, replace discs and you're good to go! ...It's much easier than I make it sound... :il_hahaha:

They also do stuff for thin PS2s, but I think its way harder to set up. It require completely replacing the lid, which looks tricky, although I am not a very technical person. All in all, I think it cost approx €25 to set up your PS2 for import gaming from these people. Don't know what that is in Dollars or Pounds a today rate. You can also send it away to get a chip soldered into it, but I don't know much about that either, except that its more expensive. Or you could just buy a Japanese PS2.

But once you're all set up, the wonderful world of import gaming awaits! :ehail:

Although it's more like a money and time consuming drug habit though...  :il_hahaha:

Announcements / Re: Introductions
« on: September 01, 2009, 02:26:38 PM »

Totally forgot to do this...

Name: David,
A.K.A: Enthusicatic Dave, Gravy
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Occupation: College Student
Degree: Business with Japanese Language
Likes: Anime, Manga, Video games, Jazz, J-pop, Baking, Wrestling, Giant Robots and  Hot-Bloodedness. {Preferably in a delicious cocktail of Mazinger or its ilk}

So.... pleased to meet'cha.

Games / Re: Your Top 5
« on: September 01, 2009, 02:04:54 PM »

Yeah, someone had Godhand!  :ehail:

As for me:


1: G-Police: Weapons of Justice
2: Colony Wars: Vengeance
3: G-Police
4: Star Wars: Demolition
5: Crash Bandicoot 3


1: Pokemon Gold
2: Pokemon Blue
3,4 and 5: Nada...


1: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
2: Resident Evil 4
3: The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker
4: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
5: Pikmin


1: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
2: Homeworld 2
3: The " " IV: Oblivion
4: Heavy Gear
5: Crysis

Xbox 360

1: The Orange Box
2: Fallout 3
3: Resident Evil 5
4: Dead Space
5: Call of Duty 4

1: Gundam Battle Universe
2: Bleach: Heat The Soul 4
3: Macross Ace Frontier
4: Gundam Vs. Gundam
5: Wipeout Pulse


1: Super Robot Wars W
2: Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (to give its full title)
3: The World Ends With You
4: Rhythm Tengoku
5: Super Robot Wars OG: Endless Frontier

Playstation 2:

1: Super Robot Wars Z
2: Another Century's Episode 3
3: Sengoku Basara 2
4: Godhand
5: Okami

Playstation 2, D.S. and PSP were damn tough to decide.  Oh yeah, I'm an import gamer, so sue me... :il_hahaha:

Games / Re: Ouendan!!!
« on: August 31, 2009, 09:20:56 AM »
I also have to strongly recommend this game, especially for those who played Elite Beat Agents. The game is easy to play but insanely hard to master; I've worn out the touchscreen so much on my DS that it seems to have permanently shifted 2 centimeters to the right through frenzied stabbing of it with the stylus. So yeah, it s quite addictive...

Personally I prefer the second game as I adore the rival squad, but the first does have better songs, if you're into Japanese music. The characters themselves are probably the coolest I've seen in a video game, as they basically turn cheerleading into a manly, hot-blooded dance off. Yeah, and hard mode WILL destroy your sanity....   :il_hahaha:

On a side note, to those who played the game: remember the third hidden song in the second game, the one with the samurai? I unlocked that at about 11pm, Christmas Eve, which was very strange...    

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