
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
Saga Forum is back with its original domain name intact. Read the announcement thread for
more details, or check out the Resources section for help finding copies of both the manga and
anime. And don't forget to join our newfangled Discord if that's the kind of thing you're into!

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Messages - Ropponmatsu

Announcements / Re: Introductions
May 29, 2010, 08:27:53 PM
Me finds introduction thread!

Name: Nagato
Age: 22
Location: Sweden, close to Stockholm
Occupation: Otaku
Interests: Japanese, foreign cultures and languages in general, anime/manga, games, psychology and philosophy on a non-academic level
Favourite anime: Minami-Ke, Hyakko, Gintama, just to name a few
Favourite manga: Excel Saga and Berserk
Favourite light novel: Suzumiya series

Oh! And of course...
Favourite ES characters: Nishiki  :ropponmatsuII:(you wouldn't have guessed it!), Misaki :matsuya:, and Elgala  :elvery happy:(I always find overly narcissistic people amusing) are my 3 favourites, but I really think all characters are amazingly interesting and funny.