
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
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Messages - Maneir Ikre

Creativity / Negamoon's Art Thread
November 28, 2009, 09:20:51 PM
*insert psychotic laughter here*

Yeesh... It's been over a year. O_o

To celebrate my return, here's some of my newer work:

Sorry, nothing Excel Saga related at the moment. TT_TT
Creativity / I'm BAAAACK!
April 03, 2008, 04:59:34 PM
S'been awhile.

Quote from: "Micki!"I tried (out of boredom) to colorize above pic... I'm not familiar with Photoshop's features at all yet though, so the result looks strange  :?

I tried removing any trace of pencil lines, by using one of the many filters available with photoshop... What happened, is that pretty much no actual pencil lines can be seen snymore, but detail got degraded... I do infact regret that i used filters, and it seems to be too late to remove

That said, i myself don't like it that much, and i prefer the original which i made...
Perhaps it's more likable to some of you though... :)
Hey, you did a hell of alot better than what I could do. Of course, seeing as I only have a shitty program called "PhotoStudio" and a crappy PC, that ain't really saying much.
Quote from: "Micki!"Well good luck with that list :o 8)
Thanks, I'm gonna need it.

Quote from: "starcat"This looks pretty awesome. Good luck with this, too! I think I'll watch to see when you add more. :)
Thanks again. Here's a sketch of "042: Uh-oh..."
100 Pics Challenge

...Why do I even bother updating this thread if no-one comments on it?
Babble / Rate the Avatar Above You
March 08, 2007, 02:06:48 PM
8/10 Nice, but that hairstlye would be a pain in the ass to pull off.
My friend's Jounin in a Naruto d20 campaign we're in.
Nara Makota (WIP)
Creativity / Sims 2
August 24, 2006, 10:05:12 PM
Damn, I could never find the time to do that! Well, that and the fact that my computer is MIA at the moment (MUST GET SIMS 2).
Announcements / Introductions
January 05, 2005, 03:18:40 PM
name: Daisuke Retzman
alias: Logan-207, Negamoon, Anri
sex: male
age: 16
location: The dumpster around the corner

favorite anime (some of them anyway): Azumanga Daioh, Excl Saga, Sailor Moon, Gundam (all series), Gravion, Full Metal Panic, Full Metal Alchemist

favorite manga: haven't read enough to decide

favorite music groups/artists: Nightwish, Rammstein, Linkin Park, Rob Zombie, Powerman5000