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Messages - no common sense

Anime / Re: Hayate No Gotoku!
October 31, 2007, 12:29:05 AM
Nabeshin :im_nabeshin:, the man with the afro, will be appearing in the next episode of this series!  Solid proof that Excel and Hayate's universe is connected.  I'm excited.
Anime / Re: What's the last anime you've seen?
September 28, 2007, 12:13:17 AM
School days, the worst harem anime ever, but also the greatest harem anime ever.  It's . . . different.
If you have a high tolerance for pain and enjoy delayed gratification this is worth watching.  Your enjoyment of the ending is proportional to how much you suffered during the series.  The more you hate, the more you'll love the ending.  The return on the investment is well worth it.
Anime / Re: Hayate No Gotoku!
September 09, 2007, 02:45:58 PM
This anime gives off Excel Saga vibes with its many parodies and jabs at various anime genera.  One episode even parodied the famous rope and pit gag.  I honestly wondered if Hayate is actually Excel's younger brother given how much they have in common.  His genkiness and part time experience rivals Excel.  The series also has Hinagiku who is made of win and moe.
Anime / Lucky Star
July 18, 2007, 09:53:10 AM
After hearing so much about it, I watched it but found it boring at first.  I would have abandoned it if there wasn't such an enormous buzz around it.  I watched another episode, and by the time the third episode came out I was pretty much hooked.  The show is like the puchuus, the cuteness will overwhelm your ability to say no.
I sometimes wondered why these slice of life anime like azu and LS had no male female interaction but my little sister was able to help answer my question.  She's currently in an exchange program and attending a Japanese high school.  She said that they "act like a bunch of third graders" in that the boys and girls hang out on opposite sides of the classroom and don't talk to each other.  So apparently a lack of male female interaction in high school is the norm.  This could also explain the frequency of anime that create uncanny situations that force interaction between male and female characters.
Manga / Death Note
June 09, 2007, 02:50:01 PM
I'm loving death note.  Is it just me or does Misa seem exactly like Excel.  Both completely loyal/in love with a megalomaniac man who wants to fix a corrupt world, both can be air headed while occasionally very resourceful, and when Misa is older they even look the same.
Anime / Anime/Manga figures
March 05, 2007, 08:59:54 AM
Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"I came to them the other day and all the bases tat hold them where broken, I now have 2 options

buy another set
Stick my present set to some big warhammer bases

If you stick them to wawrhammer bases you can also have them proxy for deamon princes/avatars  :wink:
Anime / The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
September 08, 2006, 06:08:28 PM
Decisions decisions, that's very tempting and then there's Mikuru available on preorder.  I already have a Chidori figurine which I already receive a mild amount of flack for.  If I get more I'm worried it will create negative perceptions about me (unfortunately, in my line of business perception is very important even if I don't care personally).
Anime / The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
May 03, 2006, 02:44:31 AM
Episode 5 is up on youtube.  Finally fills us in and picks up from ep 3.  This series may ultimately save me some pain when I have to write crazy shit for Philosophy class my Firstie (senior) year.
Anime / The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
April 24, 2006, 09:11:59 PM
I saw some of the gifs on the chans and looked it up on youtube.  I find it amusing but the greater question is how it became so popular so fast.
Oh and speaking of fads lets make that dance from the end song the new macarena :wink: .