
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
Saga Forum is back with its original domain name intact. Read the announcement thread for
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Messages - blind51de

Manga / Re: Manga you regret buying?
February 03, 2010, 07:26:15 PM
I bought a few volumes of Battle Royale and Ikkitousen (as "Battle Vixens") before realising that the comic-book writer hired to do the adaptation had changed so much of the translation the script was practically an original work.

Yeah, a lot of the suggestive dialogue in both series is completely contrived.
I find that sort of thing unprofessional and a big reason I stopped buying Tokyopop years ago.
Announcements / Introductions
April 17, 2006, 01:02:10 AM
Name: ...
Gender: Male
Location: Canada
Age: 20
Job: Bum
Favorite anime: Evangelion
Favorite manga: Monster

By the way, I found this place via the Oubliette in volume 14.