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Messages - ElricJC

Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
September 27, 2011, 01:48:37 PM
Add to the fact that the girl has deep personality issues, and could probably use some heavy psychoactive medication, and it's all rather pathetic, to be honest.

i.e., she's nuckingfuts.
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Volume 23
May 16, 2011, 11:59:19 PM
I have to admit, I've come to the point I almost don't care anymore, it's so long between the volumes I almost forgot I had vol 22 waiting for me at the shop at all. I'm thankful that they keep the series afloat (barely), but I'm not looking that forward to them anymore.
General / Re: Invader ZIM fans take note..
April 14, 2011, 09:28:55 AM
Yeah, Adult Party Cartoon kind of ruined my childhood memories of Ren and Stimpy... I mean, the first episode alone at the end... ugh... *feels dirty*
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Volume 22
March 25, 2011, 11:10:52 PM
Yeah, no kiddin. Hey Carl, did you see my article on Excel Saga on, linked here before? Throw a dude a bone, man, come on  :im_nabeshin:. I'm way better than that ass-clown with his b.s. review.
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Volume 22
March 21, 2011, 11:16:16 PM
No kidding. Tiny ass review, badly written, with no knowledge of the subject matter. Real tater-twat.
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Volume 22
March 20, 2011, 09:27:45 AM
No worries folks, I will be posting my own review to as soon as I can get the manga in my little mitts, and I don't think there's any doubt mine will be considerably more comprehensive and understanding of the subject matter  

:e_confused: I tried reading that "review" and just couldn't get through it. Wow, you miss half the series, can't figure anything out, and then assume there has been no development. So beyond retarded.

EDIT: Ok, I got through it now. I almost posted my aggravation with the dumbass, but decided that offering even that attention was unwarranted, as the review was utter garbage to begin with. You cannot miss OVER HALF A SERIES and write a decent review of it, ever. This guy is a moron, plain and simple.
The Manga / Re: The End of Excel Saga (in Japan)
March 06, 2011, 04:09:54 PM
Well, beats my old guess of Vol. 25, and it does seem ironic that Rikudo-san ends the series one volume more than the anime had episodes. And since we are getting a per-annum release, anyway, we won't see vol. 27 for probably the aforementioned 4-5 years. But it needed to come to an end eventually, and I hate any story that drags on unnecessarily. Or fills an entire volume with pointless crap (Berserk, I'm looking at you :/)
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
February 25, 2011, 03:37:54 PM
How about an ES scavenger hunt? The one who find the best piece of Excel Saga fandom on the net, wins. Best cosplay, or best fan art, best fan fiction, etc. The provisos being that any of these creations cannot have been generated by a member of this community, or have been used in any previous contest on this site.

How's that?
Games / Re: What game did you buy most recently?
December 15, 2010, 01:22:28 PM
Picked up Halo: Reach and ODST. Haven't played ODST yet, but Reach is pretty decent, and for some reason I am way better with the Reach multiplayer than I was with 3 or even 2. Not sure why, but I'm a bastard with the battle rifle. WAAAY better than the older version, got a lot more oomph.
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
December 02, 2010, 09:07:08 AM
And the hunt continues.
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
November 30, 2010, 08:00:18 AM
Had an interesting week so far. Despite being as poor right now as I have been in a long time (having to pay my bi-annual house insurance and other things...), I'm in a very good mood.

I did the whole Black Friday thing here, stalking to Wal-Mart in the wee hours of the morn to secure my place in line for an Emerson 32" LCD HDTV, along with some games like Halo Reach. While waiting in line 2 1/2 hours for my TV I struck up a conversation with the woman in front of me, and she ended up hooking me up with her house mate. We have a date tomorrow night for coffee. Definitely one of my odder shopping experiences  :il_hahaha:

Well, a blind date is better than no date, so hoping tomorrow goes well.
Quote from: Foggle on November 29, 2010, 07:53:38 PM
oh god

I looked at the first panel and had to stop myself for fear of ruining the epicness when this sees a stateside release in 2057. :e_crying:


Okay, things are definitely coming to a head - maybe the vol. 25 predictions are not so off after all.
At first I thought it was a relaunch of Excel Saga, but they're just re-releasing the old series. Eh, I suppose that's okay, but it doesn't make me too giddy yet. It will be more obvious to people now though, who missed it originally.

However, since I am rather cool on the anime anymore, I hope it at least encourages some people to look into the manga. Now if Funimation, since they own the rights now, ever chooses to make a new series, then I would be giddy.
Music / Re: The "What Are You Listening To Now" Thread
November 11, 2010, 12:44:51 PM
LOL, go check out Jonathan Coulton and his crazy stuff. Two of my favorites have vids on You Tube. and - Re: Your Brains, a zombie's plight, and Skullcrusher Mountain, a mad scientist in love, good stuff.
Games / Re: What game did you buy most recently?
October 21, 2010, 02:11:55 PM
Fallout: New Vegas.

Fun game in all, pretty much a straight continuation in gameplay and mechanics from FO3, but once again it shows Bethesda/Obsidian does not learn from past mistakes. New Vegas is even glitchier than FO3 before it got all patched up. It's a mess in places, with animation drops, sync issues, timing, false triggers (I love not being able to shoot or reload my gun for no reason...)

It's a mess and shows they rushed it out there. I hope they fix it soon, otherwise it's almost too messy to play.