
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
Saga Forum is back with its original domain name intact. Read the announcement thread for
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Messages - DaphHime

Anime / What's the last anime you've seen?
June 17, 2007, 12:00:42 PM
The plus side of Comedy Central buying Futurama is that we get new episodes out of the deal.  :)

Right now all AS is good for is Bleach, Family Guy and Futurama reruns. I used to love Aquateen Hunger Force but the new episodes suck compared to the old. I still like Robot Chicken though. Blood+ is okay, I tend to tune in and out on that one. I'm not touching the dubbed Naruto with a ten foot poll. Sadly CN is the only channel that shows anime where I am, no on demand for my family. :p *Wants the Anime Network so badly.*

I've been watching Nerima Daikon Brothers to death. I'm watching the first volume right now. If ADV isn't going to give us a dub soundtrack the least they can do is import the Japanese soundtracks. I love the music in this show.
Manga / your top 10 manga list
May 28, 2007, 02:47:38 AM
1. Excel Saga- Obvious huh?
2. Bleach
3. Fullmetal Alchemist
4. Death Note
5. Naurto
6. Ouran HS Host Club- Though I've only read part of the first volume, I like it so far.
7. Decendents of Darkness (Yami no Matsuei)
8. Tsubasa
9. ....Don't know
10. ....Don't know. I need to read more.
Babble / Vending Machine!
May 03, 2007, 02:03:16 AM
You get a wishing well.

*inserts 10 yen*
Babble / Vending Machine!
April 28, 2007, 04:35:21 PM
You get a target, a bow, and some arrows.

*inserts 1 GP*
Characters / The Official "KEY" topic.
September 08, 2006, 01:15:02 AM
Quote from: "Uncreativity"I loves me some Key! Uncreativity needs fanservice, too.

Yes! Fangirls need fanservice too!  :D

I liked the Key episode. Though as I said before, it kinda helps to be in the demographic that episode seemed to be going after. I didn't much like the pool/swimsuit episode, but I wasn't in the demo for that one. XD
Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"
Il Palazzo- There is just something about him that draws me to him... in a non homosexual way...not that I wouldn't... you know...

Odd I feel the same way about Excel. :p I'd totally do her if I were a guy or a lesbain. XD

My top three

Ilpalazzo: Teh Sex, 'nuff said.
Excel: My role model. Though I'm not sure if she's the type of role model I should have. XD
Third place is a mixed bag. A tie between Shiouji, Elgala, Miwa and Iwata.

Seems to be a lot of closet Ilpalazzo fangirls/boys. He's second in the polls.
Quote from: "navean"Sorry, I don't know the names of the voice actresses.

Anyway, I really like the girl who played Excel at first.  It's a pity that she had to leave, though I suppose that was better than ruining her voice.  I can't stand Excel's second voice, though.  I also like Hyatt's voice. And Il Palazzo's voice actor makes him sound sexay  :wink:

I hear you on Ilpalazzo's voice (He's voiced by Jason Douglas, by the way). His voice is hella sexy. Must be the accent.  :wink:

Not that I don't like his Japanese voice. Koyasu Takehito is a God in my book.

As for Excel's voice. I liked Larissa when she did the more serious secnes near the end. But Jessica had Excel's lunacy down pat.
Announcements / Introductions
February 11, 2005, 09:37:54 PM
I know introduced myself in the other fourm, but whatever. ^^

Name: Sarah
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: 7/7/87
Location: 'burbs of Chicago Illinios
Occupation: Student (senior in HS)
Favorite Animes: Excel Saga, Full Metal Alchemist, Sorcerer Hunters, FLCL, Gravitation, Tenchi Muyo, Master Mosqution, Rune Soilder...a bunch more I probably forgot.
Favorite Manga: Excel Saga, Gravitation, Decendents of Darkness...some others...
Favorite bands: L'arc~en~Ciel, Evanescance, The Pillows, Linkin Park, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, various other JRock/alternative/rock bands.