
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
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Messages - exceluuu

Characters / Re: Who do you dislike the most?
September 12, 2007, 09:14:12 AM
Yeah, but Excel and Hyatt seem to have been around for different purposes. While Elgala is an actual trained professional, Excel and Hyatt seem to be Il Palazzo's guinea pigs, or at least cannon fodder recon.
Creativity / Re: Oekaki
September 08, 2007, 08:03:46 PM
D: I did say this was the first time I drew Excel, right? Maybe if you saw the original pic you'd know why this took 3 hours to fix and why I wouldn't even bother to TRY and draw a non-human creature I haven't actually studied obsessively.
Creativity / Re: Oekaki
September 08, 2007, 11:21:10 AM
I added the words just because it seemed a little empty and I didn't feel like bothering with a background. As for the eyes, they're not perfect, but they're a sight better than the original version's. Actually, I thought the skin color fit pretty well, even though I kind of have to tilt my laptop at a certain angle to make out the shading on the skin. Though, the more I look at it, the more I feel it should have been darker and more tan. Either way, though, it turned out better than I expected for my 1.5st try.
Creativity / Oekaki
September 07, 2007, 03:11:32 PM

3 hours in MS Paint. No lie. Well, actually, I did it on an oekaki program, but it really did take three hours.

This was my third edit, too. The first attempt was horrible, but the basic outline was used as this when I went back and fixed it. The eyes looked like they belonged on a hypnotoad. So, comments, critique, any suggestions?
Excel tits are superior.
Besides the UTTERLY obvious answer here, I'd say that after Excel, my favorite characters are...... Hmmm.....

Well, in terms of how funny I think they are and how much I enjoy seeing their antics, my choices would go as Il Palazzo, Iwata, and Shiouji. The thing is that I don't really like many of the other characters by themselves. I like watching the interaction between the Daitenzin guys as a group, but by themselves they'd be pretty boring and uninteresting. I mean, even Iwata. Thick as a brick he may be, but apart from the others he's actually pretty normal. ...... Y'know, 'cept for the cyborg bit.

I think Kabapu's funny, but I don't like him. I ALMOST feel bad for him (lol vol. 16), but I think it's really just divine retribution. He earned it.

So yeah, I stick by my choices.

1. Excel
2. Il Palazzo
3. Iwata/Daitenzin dudes
4. Shiouji
Characters / Re: Who's your most hated charcter?
September 02, 2007, 01:17:33 PM
He was creepy before it, too. For how much women hate Umi for being a dumb ditz and messing stuff up all the time, guys would hate Watanabe for being such a dumbass and going about everything all wrong. I mean, hell, I like Iwata better than Watanabe. He may be stupid, but at least he's optimistic, and he's a pretty nice guy when he's not being an idiot.
Characters / Re: Who's your most hated charcter?
September 02, 2007, 11:20:53 AM
There's no brainwashing involved. He's just being honest with himself now. You know it's true. I mean, for god's sake, he likes Hyatt. You ever wonder WHY he has such a morbid fascination with her?

Watanabe was a dick in Episode 26 of the anime, too. Think about it.
Characters / Re: Who's your most hated charcter?
September 01, 2007, 08:59:25 PM
Once you get to the later volumes, I'm sure you'll all agree with me on this:

Watanabe. GodDAMN that dude is messed up. I mean, throughout the series he's pretty damn weird to begin with, but you can almost respect him for at least TRYING to act normal. He's not even trying anymore. Plain and simple. He's got that CREEPY-ASS look in his eyes all the time now, and just thinking about what the hell's going on in his mind is downright FRIGHTENING.

Umi's stupidity pales in comparison, ladies. You KNOW that it's true.
Babble / Re: OOC RP Thread -sign up here-
August 20, 2007, 12:17:06 PM
That's a shame. :/

Ah, well. I didn't really expect more from it anyway.
Babble / Re: OOC RP Thread -sign up here-
August 20, 2007, 12:05:07 AM
I'm willing to pick Excel back up if this thing's still alive.
Babble / OOC RP Thread -sign up here-
January 25, 2007, 04:18:29 PM
>:3  Very well, then...
Babble / OOC RP Thread -sign up here-
January 24, 2007, 09:48:10 AM
Unless the person who supposedly "claimed" Excel is going to make good on that claim, I'm going to retake her and continue my sacred duty.
Babble / Crazy Anime/Manga pic game!
January 22, 2007, 12:39:28 PM

Just thought I'd contribute.