As a tribute to my roots and influences and how they helped shape my weird ass and also to kick this forum to see if anyone still logs in I am now announcing my weird ass idea here to see if anyone is willing to read and give me content feedback. (Grammar feedback is not needed as I have an editor minion to tell me how bad I am at that.)
I will tell you exactly NONE of the premise to get readers to tell me where they think the balance is on 'confusing on purpose' vs 'confusing because I'm bad at conveying ideas'. I am literally posting about it here on a lark because wow time flies and I still remember the short stints of support and positivity I got here because shits too rare on the internet. will be posting it on an actual site like tumbles or somethin when I feel I've gone from 'mostly done but paranoid and wanting beta reads' to 'done'
I love ya'll and love that this forum still exists despite my complete lack of commitment to being on it more then once like....a decade. My goal is to become a mildly important writer and then bully people to pay more attention to the Excel Saga manga because I'm low key annoyed people only know about the anime and barely understand that. Also I just need to be able to write for a living to survive because I'm shit at everything else. Feel free to say hi on twitter @Meyeselph if you want to or act like to don't know me because I'm embarrassing.
I will tell you exactly NONE of the premise to get readers to tell me where they think the balance is on 'confusing on purpose' vs 'confusing because I'm bad at conveying ideas'. I am literally posting about it here on a lark because wow time flies and I still remember the short stints of support and positivity I got here because shits too rare on the internet. will be posting it on an actual site like tumbles or somethin when I feel I've gone from 'mostly done but paranoid and wanting beta reads' to 'done'
I love ya'll and love that this forum still exists despite my complete lack of commitment to being on it more then once like....a decade. My goal is to become a mildly important writer and then bully people to pay more attention to the Excel Saga manga because I'm low key annoyed people only know about the anime and barely understand that. Also I just need to be able to write for a living to survive because I'm shit at everything else. Feel free to say hi on twitter @Meyeselph if you want to or act like to don't know me because I'm embarrassing.