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Messages - Poey

#1 has amazing deals/sales, I check them regularly to see if there's something on sale that I'm interested in. Other than that, I always go to Amazon.
Games / Re: What game did you buy most recently?
May 30, 2012, 09:52:53 AM
My friend has it and thinks it's AMAZING. He's been a fan of the other games as well. I played it just a little bit and it seemed hard as shit.
Siren in Borderlands was REALLY fun. Probably my favorite class.

Looking forward to Borderlands 2.
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
March 03, 2012, 03:56:21 PM
About a year ago I arranged the Elfen Lied theme song and performed it for this school club concert at my old college. It was filmed, and posted on youtube.

It now has over 3,000 views. I'm famous!
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
November 28, 2011, 05:44:14 PM
Anime / Re: What's the last anime you've seen?
October 08, 2011, 10:59:39 AM
I just watched Phantom as well. Yeah, it had good points but overall I felt like there were too many parts that I just couldn't accept (what the hell were they doing in a Japanese high school? Seriously? And the Cal thing is very unbelievable to me - her vendetta, and the ridiculously fast growth)

Scythe was a bastard. And freaky.
Anime / Re: What's the last anime you've seen?
October 03, 2011, 07:37:43 PM
Ahh!!! I LOVE Higurashi... Tell us what you think of Kai. I've rewatched the series so much and I'm STILL figuring out new things.
Babble / Re: top ten list
October 02, 2011, 12:46:06 PM
Hahaha... "sunliiight!! oh noo!"

Worst weakness ever. I would hate to be a vampire.
Games / Re: Portal 2
October 01, 2011, 10:40:33 AM
I just played/beat Portal 1 last week, and to be frank I was quite disappointed. I beat it in about 2.5 hours. I literally thought I was beating the intro-/training to the game, and then the credits started. The concept was cool and puzzles were okay but way too easy, which is why the whole time I was waiting for the REAL game to start (not the training mode that I thought I was in). Unless someone can convince me Portal 2 is much much better and more difficult as a puzzle game, I'm not very interested.
Anime / Re: What's the last anime you've seen?
October 01, 2011, 10:36:26 AM
Quote from: ConvoyButterfly on September 29, 2011, 08:15:39 PM
Am still halfway through RahXephon, which if you refer to my last post, is pretty slow going. It's well enough, but I think I prefer the Eva movies in terms of Mech anime. Randamo, you're a connoisseur of Mechs, what do you recommend?

I liked RahXephon. It was definitely slow (as is a LOT of anime, honestly, in my opinion), and it definitely has the Eva thing going on, but I think it really found its eventually and made the show worth the effort.
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
September 26, 2011, 08:19:01 AM
Quote from: Randamo on September 25, 2011, 10:57:55 PM
Who would read a review about a forum? Don't you just lurk a bit and join in if you like it?

Haha seriously!

And yeah... this is definitely the cleanest member-run forum I've been on.

I also wonder if that reviewer knew that UnCreativity is female.
Babble / Re: top ten list
September 24, 2011, 04:08:37 PM
Quote from: Lord Il on September 24, 2011, 03:51:18 PM

4). Auto-tune - It's dishonest. Die Auto-tune, DIE! People should sing with their own god-given talent! Your voice is a lie when you Auto-tune. And you sound like a robot.

Oooh... I really really dislike auto-tune. Even if I disregard the fact that you could say it's "cheating", it just sounds horrible and fake.

Also, I agree with lipsyncing. As an aspiring professional musician, it makes me furious when I have to spend jesus-christ amount of hours practicing to get better when they're just going on stage and faking it anyway.
Babble / Re: top ten list
September 24, 2011, 04:06:17 PM
Top 10 top 10 lists!

10. Movies
9. Bands
8. Places
7. Anime
6. Pet Peeves
5. Anime Characters
4. Reasons that moveable-do solfege is better than fixed-do solfege
3. Grammar Mistakes
2. Weird Names
1. This one!
Anime / Re: Fansubs/Scanlations: The Debate
August 17, 2011, 07:46:12 PM
Quote from: Uncreativity on August 17, 2011, 01:54:26 PM
But it's unreasonable to expect people to wait for a (usually sub-standard) dub to have that opportunity to purchase an anime.

I like that point. I would much rather just watch with subtitles rather than wait, since typically watch with subs anyway. Waiting for a dub to be created is pointless in that case.
Anime / Re: Fansubs/Scanlations: The Debate
August 15, 2011, 03:55:28 PM
I practically always buy my anime on dvd/via netflix/watch it with a friend who bought it. I have watched my share of fansubs, and bought most of the ones I watched when they were released. Honestly, I use fansubs as my last resort if I really want to watch a series because I'm really sick of the poor quality of both the video and the subtitles themselves. I can excuse a typo here and there (hell, even professional subtitles have typos on occasion), but when major grammar issues come up, then it makes me question everything about what I'm reading and if I'm really receiving the show properly.

My personal preference: The quality is worth the cost of buying.

(EDIT: Excuse the following price rant. I feel old)

Anime is so much cheaper than it was just a few years ago, I'm amazed. Whole series box sets for around $30?! That's insane. I remember when I first really got into anime, the Trigun box set (on VHS!) was over $200, and there was no Cowboy Bebop box set available, you had to buy each individual tape/disc. Even just a few years ago, box sets were easily $150 for a single full-length season on DVD. Not to mention they would never release box sets right away. First they released each disc separately, then wait a bit, THEN come out with a big box-set for the individual discs, and THEN finally a thin-pack would come out.