
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
Saga Forum is back with its original domain name intact. Read the announcement thread for
more details, or check out the Resources section for help finding copies of both the manga and
anime. And don't forget to join our newfangled Discord if that's the kind of thing you're into!

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Messages - Jeff

ph34r m3 f0r I 4m 1337!

Lord Il.
Excel/ Hyatt tie.
Announcements / Introductions
May 07, 2005, 09:54:52 AM
Hey everyone, I'm Jeff. I got the box set of excel saga and it's the best money I ever spent on anime. (Except maybe ROD the TV!) Got Puni Puni Poemy too, The movie was hysterical, and the commentary was even funnier! Well, I'll just be hanging around I guess, have a good one!

Name: Jeff
Gender: Male
Location: A hilly place.
Age: 19
Job: Learning a little bit about Everything.
Favorate Quote: "When he's laughing at you, that's when you kick him in the fracas"
Favorite anime: Excel Saga
Favorite manga: ---