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Messages - Eggfan

Pages: [1]
Quote from: "navean"
Fear her for he is leet?  Has Excel become androgynous then? ;)

Yes. Defintaley, it's not like it was a typo or something, no siree.

Top 3:
Watanabe - I don't know why, I just like him, probably because he's such a loser.
Il Palzzo - ph34r h1m f0r h3 15 1337
Excel - ph34r h3r f0r h3 15 1337

Announcements / Introductions
« on: May 11, 2005, 06:20:44 AM »
You sure they're not all just pod people..... not that I am....... ugh.... brains... must eat brains....

Mweh, might as well post some stuff about me sen then since the toilets long gone.

Name: Chris
Sex: Yes please..... ok, male
Age: 17
Other crap:
I have a stupid sense of humour, I smell and I'm lazy. Good night.

Pages: [1]