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Messages - Duomaxwe

The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Vol. 26
August 25, 2013, 03:55:34 AM
I only just got around to ordering 26 there now.

As I've said before, but I feel like saying again, I've always loved Excel Saga, but the massive delay between volumes definitely killed it a bit for me.

I remember I bought the first volumes from Forbidden Planet probably about 6 years ago? Back when I was around 17, and reading them volume after volume over a couple of years, along with Hellsing, the only other manga I've actually bought.

And loving it big time, I just found the humour so amusing, I liked the art and the story was wacky and enjoyable. My interest peaked massively in the volume Dr Kabapu revealed that he and Il Palazzo were 20,000 years old and all of a sudden there was an actual legitimate storyline.

However it was unfortunately soon after this point that the Volumes started being released so slowly, it was fine for the first one or two but after that the distance between them was just too long for me.

I still intend to finish the series because I maintain interest in it, but I never finished volume 24 when it came out and have had 25 sitting beside my bed unread since I got it because I've a full time job now etc, and just finding the motivation to pick up a mangabook and read it is difficult.

I read other manga online still, but I've found it difficult to actually pick up the last couple of books even though I'm still massively fond of the series.
The Manga / Re: The End of Excel Saga (in Japan)
August 10, 2013, 12:04:12 PM
Haha that's harsh : p

Not long until 26 comes out anyway! Although I actually don't think I've even read 25 yet, I've just got it sitting here beside my bed.

I used to love Excel Saga so much, but the yearly waits between volumes killed it for me man, it did.
The Manga / Re: The End of Excel Saga (in Japan)
July 24, 2013, 12:15:01 PM
I got it from Mandrake, it was probably sitting in stock there for years before I bought it, I know it had been there for months before I finally got around to buying it..

If that makes you feel any better  :ehail:
The Manga / Re: The End of Excel Saga (in Japan)
July 17, 2013, 03:18:06 PM
Are you guys talking about the thing I have? lol
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Vol. 25
May 16, 2013, 07:03:24 PM
I've got my volume 25 but haven't read it yet.

Will get around to it sooner or later though!

3am tonight and I've got work in a few hours so probably not tonight =_=
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Vol. 26
January 28, 2013, 04:15:51 PM
Yeah I got a new job recently so busy too : p
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Vol. 24
December 05, 2012, 09:37:11 PM
It's not even the pace of the manga is poor, I think if I'd been in Japan and reading the chapters as they were realised every month it'd be perfectly fine, the problem is with having found out Il Palazzo and Kabapu are 20,000 years old and that core element of the story like 4 years ago, it has just taken far far far too much to progress it, he revealed that and then nothing more for so long, only subtle hints at things.

As for the humour as well I agree with you, it's not as funny now as previous volumes were, however I don't fault Rikdo for that, a lot of the humour I found came from the guys working for the Environmental Protection Agency doing their mundane tasks without knowing what was going on.

Now that there is actually a structured story line with robot Excel and Iwata it's more difficult to insert the random humourous situations, so I don't begrudge that, all I'm begrudging is that I wasn't able to finish this manga at the same pace as the Japanese.
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Vol. 24
November 29, 2012, 01:33:13 AM
Yeah mine came pretty quickly after ordering it on Amazon, I just got around to reading some of it a few hours ago, and I rather enjoyed it of course, but at the same time I do feel somewhat like this is ridiculous.

We got up to like volume 20 fairly regularly then there was that sudden year long fucking gap between volumes? >__>

Yeah I love Excel Saga and all, but 4 years later and I hardly know anymore now than I did 4 years ago is taking the piss on how long this has been dragged out for.

I even have the final Excel Saga volumes in Japanese because I was eager to see what happens, but of course I can't read them.

I've always loved Excel Saga, but I think I would've enjoyed it so much more if I'd been able to read it at a sane pace, instead of this absurdly delayed pace... -_-
Manga / Re: Is there an English version of Holy Brownie?
November 27, 2012, 07:57:59 AM
That's why the postage cost so much lol, it would've been half that if you'd gone SAL : p
Manga / Re: Is there an English version of Holy Brownie?
November 26, 2012, 08:17:48 AM
I'm sure it'll be fine lol

What shipping did you pay for? EMS or SAL?

I would've just got the cheapest shipping if it were me like : p
Manga / Re: Is there an English version of Holy Brownie?
November 25, 2012, 05:44:03 PM
Yep good luck, I considered purchasing them before but ultimately didn't because I wouldn't be able to read them lol
Manga / Re: Is there an English version of Holy Brownie?
November 25, 2012, 11:48:21 AM
It's been there for ages though so there's some chance it's listed but not actually in stock.
Manga / Re: Is there an English version of Holy Brownie?
November 24, 2012, 09:05:55 PM

Try here, if not you can download it online I believe.
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Vol. 24
November 22, 2012, 05:22:51 PM
Holy shit-o, I check this forum every couple of weeks because it's just one of those things that pops into my head, the last time I checked, a couple of weeks ago, there had been no new posts since I'd last checked.

I had forgotten Excel Saga 24 had been advanced to November, it has been out for almost 2 weeks and I haven't ordered it yet.

This is the first time since I began buying the Excel Saga manga that I've been late for one, I'm normally counting the days down to it coming out, but with the massive 6 month gaps we've had in the last several volumes I'm now out of sync.

Needless to say I'm going to go to Amazon now to order it.
The Manga / Re: English Excel Saga Vol. 25
November 11, 2012, 06:11:36 PM
Not much posting going on lately, but needless to say even though I'm busy with things in life, I'm still looking forward to Excel Saga 25 coming out : p