
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
Saga Forum is back with its original domain name intact. Read the announcement thread for
more details, or check out the Resources section for help finding copies of both the manga and
anime. And don't forget to join our newfangled Discord if that's the kind of thing you're into!

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Messages - sephjnr

Music / The "What Are You Listening To Now" Thread
July 14, 2007, 11:54:02 AM
Metallica - Creeping Death
Creativity / My Elfen Lied fanfics
July 13, 2007, 04:30:57 AM
I wasn't 100% sure fics counted as 'creativity' as that's a more deserving tag for drawings and poetry, but seeing that someone's airing his work about a rape (no offence meant)... what the hell!

I've got 4 complete fics to read and a fifth currently in progress. They're all Elfen Lied (don't let that put you off) as I currently haven't the nerve to write about Excel Saga- though I've got an idea for the future...

here they are!

Nana's letter to Papa, my first. It shows.
Vectors Over The Air, a prologue to my current story.
The Road from Hell, my 'serious' piece, and its companion As Warm As The Grave.
And last but not least... Blu In The Face - up and running!
Characters / Sumiyoshi's voice
May 22, 2007, 04:18:15 AM
Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"even though this might be to do with the manga but I think of him speaking with a strong glaswegian accent (sort of like Billy Connelly)

He's got a Newcastle accent, according to the manga. Just as clear, though :D
Limp Bizkit's cover of Metallica's Welcome Home (Sanitarium) from MTV Idol. Much better than what I thought it would be like :D
Babble / Vending Machine!
May 04, 2007, 12:35:45 PM
you get a ho-ho-(w)hole tin of sweetcorn!

*inserts Ken Bates, face first*
Babble / Vending Machine!
May 04, 2007, 11:56:31 AM
you receive 8 magic mushrooms and a live chicken!

*inserts a Jaffa Cake*
Anime / The price to pay for anime.
May 04, 2007, 04:49:46 AM
It's still slightly annoying that many individual volumes will go on sale for full price (£15 up) anywhere you're lucky to find them, and then suddenly get 50% price cuts when the box-sets come out for £30 :evil:

But for me it's not so much a price issue as a content issue. Anime is far harder to work at than manga, granted, but in my view 75min for £15 isn't good value, especially in the modern era where people will be paying that sort of cash for 15 HOURS of Lost / 24 / Sopranos etc. that surely must cost far more to make, right?

I'm just hoping that Gilgamesh in particular comes down a little bit- I know the last volume isn't on sale here for a bit but Rockworld (the goons showing it) are known to forget to air entire episodes and have their standard drivel on instead...
Babble / Vending Machine!
May 03, 2007, 06:27:51 AM
You get next weekend's Serie A results!

*inserts £1*
Announcements / Hello!
May 03, 2007, 05:48:17 AM
Name: Chris
Age: 26
Location: Bristol, UK
Occupation: Data aministrator/Char-boy/no-good pixel-pusher/gameday manager for American Football team
Fave anime: Excel Saga, Elfen Lied
Fave manga: Excel Saga
Favourite anime/manga character: I was going to say Elgala, but I'm going for Hyatt instead as underneath her ill guise she can be quite devious at times  :Hdead:  Non-ES, it'd be Lucy from Elfen Lied.

One important question concerning the splash picture on the front page: who's the blonde girl in the red dress? [spoiler]is it Kanal Sumiyoshi, and is this a spoiler or mere fanart?[/spoiler]

Edit: thanks for the info. [spoiler]And Hail Il Palazzo, like.[/spoiler]