
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
Saga Forum is back with its original domain name intact. Read the announcement thread for
more details, or check out the Resources section for help finding copies of both the manga and
anime. And don't forget to join our newfangled Discord if that's the kind of thing you're into!

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Messages - ShiojiPrince

Creativity / Shioji cosplay
June 08, 2009, 01:34:43 PM
 :shiouji: Yo...

It's been a long time since I posted on here.  I wanted to make a thread to get some help on making a Shioji cosplay.  Does anybody know what kind of lab coat Shioji wears and where I can find it?   Much appreciated.
Babble / Re: random random
January 12, 2009, 02:15:46 PM
Drugs, rock n roll
Bad-ass Vegas hos
Late night booty calls
Shiny disco balls
Babble / Where do you live?
November 15, 2008, 06:44:22 AM
Just wanting to see where everybody was from.  I live down here in Louisiana, where there aren't very many people into anime unless you look really hard enough.  It would be pretty cool to meet new people if anybody happens to live nearby.  =D 
Babble / Re: random random
October 15, 2008, 02:01:31 AM
I'm gonna swing through the city on a wreckin' ball.
Babble / Re: Person above you game Version 2.0!
October 14, 2008, 07:00:26 PM
^ Visual Type?
Babble / Re: random random
October 13, 2008, 04:52:15 PM
Oh goodness!
Babble / Re: Person above you game Version 2.0!
October 13, 2008, 04:45:59 PM
^Leaped on a counter like a bird with no hair
Anime / Re: Recommendations for great AMVs
October 13, 2008, 04:38:23 PM
Welcome to the NHK AMV + Beck's "Mellow Gold" album...all of it.
Babble / Re: Anime Conventions
October 13, 2008, 04:12:00 PM
Okay.  So perhaps I may be the only person on here who lives in the general Louisiana area but I have to anybody going to MechaCon or A-Kon next year?  I'm doing a Shioji cosplay, and it looks like I'm the only one down here that's doing something from Excel Saga.  Also, my anime club down here mostly hates Excel Saga and it's been made a proverbial "rule #1 and #2" not to talk about it. 

Where is the love for that poor perverted genius, ne? :shiouji:
Announcements / Re: Introductions
October 12, 2008, 10:08:45 PM
*adjusts glasses* :shiouji:

Finally, a forum that's relative to my interests.
For your viewing pleasure my application is as follows:

Name: "Himitsu desu" ;)
Age: 24
Sex: Yes please (LOL I'm male)
Zodiac: Scorpio
Class: Warrior
Alignment: Neutral Good
Species: Homo Sapiens
Menchi: It's what's for dinner
Fav Game: Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Warcraft, Shadow Hearts, Earthbound
Fav Anime: Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Earth Maiden Arjuna, BERSERK, Azumanga Daioh, Suzumiya Haruhi no Y?utsu, Lucky Star, Welcome to the NHK, BECK Mongolian Chop Squad, AIR, Kanon, Clannad
(NOT Excel Saga.  Sorry Nabeshin, but you get no love from me this time.  Bye! :excel_fall: )
Fav Manga: Excel Saga, Chobits, Genshiken

That is all.  Carry on, good sirs!
Now it's time for a nice walk with my girls!  Ta-ta!