
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
Saga Forum is back with its original domain name intact. Read the announcement thread for
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Messages - navean

Anime / Evangelion to re-made into four films
October 03, 2006, 05:50:59 PM
Quote from: "Phnx28"I'll grant that it might (barely) be workable if one takes the JSSDF's orders during the movies into account and assumes Shinji is just accepting his inevitable execution when all is said and done; but IMO that requires trivializing or disregarding the testimony of several major characters during the ending eps.
I completely agree with you.  It's not a good idea to disregard the other characters - you completely lose a very important aspect of the conclusion.

As for Revival, I'm not sure about it, but if I hear something, I'll for sure let you know/
Anime / Evangelion to re-made into four films
October 02, 2006, 05:14:27 PM
Another thing I think that tends to confuse people is just the ending period.  The majority of mecha anime, and thereby the attitude with which mecha fans go into watching a mecha anime, are much more straight forward in action.  Barring Gundam, most mecha shows (though I'm not a mecha fan, so correct me if I'm wrong) don't delve too deeply into extreme drama.  And even Gundam's dramas tend towards the melodramas, not a real and explicit look into humanity, the driving force behind it, a person's existential crisis, etc.  When you watch through basically all of Evangelion, while it may imply that the ending will be a look into the mind, it's a subtle implication.  People get confused when suddenly there is no definitive, action-based ending and it all seems to be either a delusion or an alternate reality or... something, and they're not sure what.  It really is the last couple of episodes that throw people since it's not what they're expecting at all.
Games / Next Generation
October 02, 2006, 05:03:30 PM
Since I have no money, chances are I won't be getting any of them until they're all past obsoletion...  But if I did?  Probably the Wii first.
Anime / Evangelion to re-made into four films
September 27, 2006, 10:11:54 PM
...I wasn't confused by it at all...  What was so confusing?
Creativity / Avatars
September 26, 2006, 02:52:04 PM
I think Ekuseru was referring to the fact that most forums have strict size limits on avatars, making those too large for the majority of other forums.

Very nice pictures for avatars, though.
Music / \m/ Star Wars
September 21, 2006, 07:47:46 PM
Hahaha.  That's awesome.  Though I liked the Imperial Death March much better than that one in its original form.  They need to do that.  Or I need to find it if they have.
Manga / rumiko takahashi
July 01, 2006, 10:50:18 AM
I liked the Ranma manga better than the anime.  You should read some of it at least, keitaru.  Although, in true Takahashi-san fashion, it's really long >.>
Wow, I didn't even think about how funny I found Pedro's voice until you mentioned that.  I think I laughed the first time I heard him speak. Hah.
Fear her for he is leet?  Has Excel become androgynous then? ;)
1. Excel
2. Il Palazzo
3. Hyatt

I liked the quietness of Hyatt.  I think it added to her character.  Though she probably was a little too quiet at times...
Sorry, I don't know the names of the voice actresses.

Anyway, I really like the girl who played Excel at first.  It's a pity that she had to leave, though I suppose that was better than ruining her voice.  I can't stand Excel's second voice, though.  I also like Hyatt's voice. And Il Palazzo's voice actor makes him sound sexay  :wink:
Announcements / Introductions
January 05, 2005, 07:10:31 PM
Name: Rachel
Gender: If you can't figure that out... well, you have problems.
Age: 745 years old.
Favorite anime: Cowboy Bebop
Favorite manga: Berserk, Arm of Kannon

I hate you alllll! *goes shifty eyed*
Okay, maybe not.