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Messages - Dechan

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Games / Re: What game did you buy most recently?
« on: August 19, 2009, 05:27:40 PM »
The way I do SF4 now is that I pick my opponents. I just go on various forums and AIM and ask my friends if they got the game and live. Hell, I even had a party game of MvC2 where no Cable or Iron Man crap occured in an entire 4 hour session on Saturday afternoon.

I find that your average person only really want to show off how "cool" and "badass" they are. Where in reality they're just annoyances to 90% of people who just wanna have some fun. I found this out playing Football Manager Live, where people used engine breaking 4-6-0(no attackers) formations that because of the midfield flood, you couldn't get the ball past the halfway line and it was no fun at all. It put me off online games for ages, but as I say, after finding some cool dudes and playing with them in one of the cheapest games ever(MvC2) with no use of crappy tactics that online play is only good if you find the right people first.

Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
« on: August 19, 2009, 12:49:22 PM »
Looks more like me than her, though. :p

Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
« on: August 19, 2009, 07:53:09 AM »
Upon arrival at the Mall I checked Barnes & Noble for comics and found nothing, but got a "ZOMG! Chick in a manga section!" from a creepy dude and managed to slink away.

Ya know, that puzzles me because the majority of people I know who read manga are female. Fair enough, they're probably like me and get their stuff off of Amazon because of annoyances like that.

Also reminds me of a bizzare time when I was 18. There was this girl who would follow me everywhere and just generally really creep me out. She would even be sat on the edge of the bed when I woke up, my mam would just let her in. It's kinda silly looking at it now, as at the time I just felt kinda lose-lose about the entire thing because I didn't wanna tell her to go away because I didn't wanna seem threatening being a big 6'2" 15 stone(aboot 200lb) bloke, her being a skinny little 16 year old girl. The other loss point was could you imagine said rugby player looking dude trying to tell someone about this whole thing?

I didn't feel threatened or anything, but you can kinda imagine how waking up and finding someone sitting on the edge of your bed would be awkward, and then to be followed for the rest of the day. It was more tiring than anything, plus half the guys wouldn't even talk properly when she was around(ya know the type of guy who thinks it's just "gentlemanly") although it was always her attempting to start these conversations.

I'd say how it ended, but I'm not quite sure, she just stopped showing up.

(Man, I don't half go on sometimes)

Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
« on: August 18, 2009, 05:26:45 AM »
I'll admit now that I'm a ZOMG pervert(not creepy pervert, or handsy or anything, just like any other man in the universe). Honestly, maybe I'm strange, but my mind keeps it seperate from video games. I can see where they're coming from and all that, but err... I can't say it makes me more likely to pick people. For instance, in Street Fighter, I'd end up picking Chun Li(if she was real, I wouldn't be able to talk in her prensence because I wouldn't be able to pick my jaw up off the floor) or Rose instead of Zangief or Ryu who I usually pick. I mean, I guess Ryu could be considered like rugged or something(I honestly can't tell normal looking guys from good looking guys) but Zangief? Even as a bloke I know there's really no way that could be nice to look at.

Same with anything. The only game I pick the hot chick is DoA, and that's 'cause there isn't really that much choice in the matter, and I really like Tina's brand of rasslin.

Then again, same goes for anime/manga for me. I am considered strange by most people, though. :p

Games / Re: What game did you buy most recently?
« on: August 16, 2009, 10:20:50 AM »
Bought Yakuza 1 and 2 for the PS2... Turned out to be some of the best games ever. ;D

I really can't agree with you anymore on that. It's like Streets of Rage meets Shenmue meets Japanese gangster flick. It's like badassery of the highest order.

Shame that Yakuza 3 is a Japan-only release, I couldn't imagine enjoying it without knowing what was properly going on.

Also; I finished Star Ocean 4 in QUICK time. It was fun but stupidly easy.

Street Fighter 4 is like... Oh man, it is awesome, but I guess anyone who wasn't an arcade rat back in the early '90s wouldn't really understand. It's like nostaligia and a great fighting game at the same time. If you were an arcade rat in the early '90s and are kinda on the fence with this because of the crap like Tekken etc. that have been dominating the fighter market as of late, don't be afriad, it really is Street Fighter through and through.

The online has some annoying/cheap Sagat and Ken players in the ranking matches, but an okay Ryu(or anyone else, my friend who uses Zangief can destroy them) can deal with them once you learn their patterns. Once they realise you've got their patterns down, they just panic and don't know what to do and you can deal with them pretty swiftly.

Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
« on: August 15, 2009, 09:42:44 AM »
Oh, I ain't arguing that, that's why I said about making that big fat woman in my first post. As I've yet to see it(I've only played the first Crazy Taxi) in a game personally.

I find RPGs are especially guilty, even moreso than fighting games of having "templated" characters who seem like they were just put together using a program that may be called "Generic Anime People" or something.

In fighting games it's kinda forgivable, since in general, fighters will fit a certain style(average karate guy, fat sumo, big muscular wrestler etc.) but in RPGs, where it's meant to be like a real world, where all the guys are either pretty boys, muscular or comedically waaaay overweight and all the women are either super sexy, little girls or skinny old grannies is kinda ridiculous. It's like they can't do inbetweens on the guys(even "average joe" type guys are pretty rare in RPGs) and you can't have a girl who isn't either skinny or sexy. Maybe we could call it Square Syndrome?

Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
« on: August 15, 2009, 09:00:51 AM »
That's another strange thing in games. With the guys, there's never a guy who's approx like myself. I don't mean a guy who looks like me or anything, but they never have a guy who's just kinda fat. They're always either pretty boys, average Joe looking, ridiculously muscular or a 30 stone beast man. You never get a 16 stone "he's fat, but not obese" sorta guy. Again, this isn't really about me, it just really strikes me strange that they don't mix up their character designs more.

Makes you wonder if they just use templates or something for churning out characters.

Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
« on: August 15, 2009, 03:59:47 AM »
Ya know, on the sexism on games. I know, over a week late to the party(I tend not to check the chit-chat threads often because I don't really have things to say on many topics, then when I do the floodgates open and people run screaming) but a thought I had years ago come back to my mind.

In fighting games where every female is either ZOMG SEXAY or a little girl(which is just plain disturbing) I always thought it would be hilarious to add in like a big, fat and ugly Chun Li-type(complete with ridiculously small costume and err... interesting moves) just to gross out all the pervs etc. I know that doesn't really help on the sexist front, but I just wanted someone to do it because I've yet to see anyone dare try it and I'd love to watch the idiot pervys complain about how they could put such a disgraceful thing in a game and all that.

Anime / Re: The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
« on: August 14, 2009, 03:52:37 PM »
Well Sighs is an entire book to itself, so it should be 4-5 episodes long. Although it could be "crushed" for the sake of all them goddamn Endless Eights.

Anime / Re: The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
« on: August 14, 2009, 12:42:41 AM »
Sighs(current one) isn't so bad, explains how they make the movie(and why the cat can talk etc.) but I seriously would've preferred Disapearance. Guess you won't get what you want with this lot.

At least it gives some hope for the DVDs(I mean Endless Eight repeats will have either a disc of it's own or be completely left out) I guess.

Anime / Re: The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
« on: August 09, 2009, 05:06:01 PM »
I definitely ain't buying the DVDs, but I'm gonna keep watching. Or should I say, now that Endless Eight has finished, I'm gonna resume watching.

I think there's gonna be good to it, just that err... that's really unforgivable to the point there's no way I'm paying for it.

Anime / Re: The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
« on: August 09, 2009, 12:08:12 PM »
There certainly isn't enough episodes left for Disappearance now, unless they devote all of the next episodes to it and I really doubt that for some reason, which is a really big shame, 'cause I was looking forward to seeing Kyon flip out.

Anime / Re: The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
« on: August 08, 2009, 08:19:49 PM »
It's... it's... finally over? I was right that'd go for 8 episodes? Man, I don't think I've ever been right before. :p

But seriously, thank god for that, I'd stopped watching the last few weeks(thank god for new Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, unless I'd've had nowt to watch) through sheer frustration, hopefully we can get some GOOD episodes now.

Announcements / Re: Introductions
« on: August 04, 2009, 07:40:38 PM »
Ya know, I never introduced mesen, like.

Name: Dave
Gender: Male, except on Saturdays
Age: 26
Location: Northumberland, England
Job: Lazy fat git(previously had the same job as Excel, but unfortunately, as Watanabe would put it "times are tough")
Favourite anime: Excel Saga, Cromartie High School, Welcome to the NHK, School Rumble, Fist of the North Star, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Favourite manga: Excel Saga, Cromartie High School, School Rumble, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Yotsuba
Favourite games: Football Manager 2010, Street Fighter 4, Dynasty Warriors 5, Fire Prowrestling Returns, Shenmue, FIFA'09(Previously Pro Evo Soccer, but Konami dropped the ball big time) and god knows how many more I won't bother boring you with, as we'd be heading into OLD SCHOOL territory, and a lot of you guys wouldn't have even heard of them
Favourite music: Oasis, Stereophonics, Status Quo, AC/DC, Slade, Beatles, Manic Street Preachers... I'm pretty sure you get the picture by now...

Anime / Re: The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
« on: July 23, 2009, 04:58:11 AM »
Wild out-of-left-field theory time.

Endless 8, 8 is the month of August, obviously, next month is August. There's 2 weeks(well, one now, as it's already been on Japanese TV) left of Haruhi until we reach August, and that will take us up to 8 episodes where it will FINALLY end.

So yeah, what I'm saying is, tomorrow's is gonna be another waste of time, next week's is gonna be the end of the punishment.

Or they could make me out to be an idiot. Won't be the first time, but I figure I'd give it a shot.

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