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Messages - Pamplemousse

Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
September 19, 2010, 09:20:07 PM
Yarrr, I think I'm gettin' me booty tomorrow. I may be paranoid, mateys, but I shall not be invaded by scurvy cabin-dwellers. XD
Anyone quaff some ale for Talk Like a Pirate Day? Or do anything else exciting? I just remembered about an hour ago and oh nooooo it's not even that day anymore here. Oh well, I'll pretend like I'm on Central time and it is still the holiday. I made off like a bandit with a ton of Monkey Island downloads, on the bright side!
Aaaand Foggle's rhyming has cemented his (friend's) position as the lucky winner of volume 8 too! Mainly because I just got his PM... but also because no one else responded and I am impatient. Gotta be quick, members of ACROSS. GOTTA BE QUICK.

Of course,  I'll keep an eye out at various stores, so maybe this fortuitous circumstance will happen again.
I, Pamplemousse, am glad Lord Il is here to bear witness to my theatrics even as I hear my hollow echo reverberate through the forum, near unheeded like an impotent ghost.
I, Pamplemousse, am also a silly goose.
At this moment, I only have 1 7 8 18 19 20 and 21, plus 8 in French. 1-14 are on their way to me now too, but I am cautiously optimistic. So I'm going to have an extra copy of 8 for one of you lovely loves~~ (assuming all goes well)! Who wants it, oh diligent guardians of this forum? Pamplemousse asks nothing of you! Unless there's more than one request in which case there shall be a fan-off of a to-be-determined nature!  :elhail:
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
September 16, 2010, 10:05:23 PM
YAR! My 'source' was an ebay auction ( :ehail: ) and i won 14 volumes of excel saga for a greaaaaat price-- $35 shipped! Volumes 1-14, including 7 and 8! ( Do not fret for Senor Horn , I will support the sales by buying the rest I need new!) However, a friend made me paranoid that tiny bedbug eggs will hitch a ride in the books so now i have to bake them in in plastic garbage bags outside in the 90 degree heat we're gonna have next week. Amateur solution, but those things are nasty, yo.
I haven't received them yet, but they look like they're in good condition even!
Foggle, just shoot me a pm with the address you want volume 7 sent to; I will even forego baking yours if you prefer. :D
Of course, because I haven't seen the condition there are no guarantees...  And one shouldn't count their eggs before they hatch~!
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
September 10, 2010, 09:52:37 AM
I'll let you know in a week when I find out! I hope I'm able to get an extra copy 'cause 7 is a great volume :D It would be a shame if your didn't get to read it, so I will certainly try hard! If all else fails, I can send over my copy of seven for ze borrowing! We shall see, I suppose
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
September 09, 2010, 08:59:42 PM
-looks shady- I've got my connections. I've got my eye on a deal. Plus, I had two of each to begin with. >.> Spoiled, I know. It seems 5 is becoming a bit more elusive, too. Weird, no?
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
September 08, 2010, 10:29:13 PM
Gee, you guys certainly know how to make a girl giggle about otaku heartbreak.  :egood:
Nah, the person in question is a good friend and offered to buy a new set for me. Ears were chewed off though, I assure you. I'm just doing the research and pricing myself because I am queen (ok, maybe just baroness) of internet shopping. I've procrastinated a while hoping the friend's exroommates would find them, but I've given up. I do not think that them being a group of superchristians helped, especially if they read the first volume.  :eevil:

Man, Taste, delayed financial aid is the worst. I commuted my first two years and saved a ton compared to friends who lived on the main campus for all four (or five) years. I miss college but I'm not quite ready to go back for a masters just yet (so. much. debt.)
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
September 06, 2010, 10:37:33 PM
-slinks into the topic-
A chalet, huh? Fancy, exckilla! I think heavy rain is really relaxing as long as the thunder and lightning are at a minimum. Otherwise I get a bit twitchy since I'm almost in tornado alley and all.

...Sooo how're things, everybody?

Err, sorry for the disappearing act, my computer became quite fragile just as I was starting a new job and fun internet times fell to the wayside. Looking back and stalking the archives, it's seems like there was a domino effect back then, though who started it is a mystery. :O
My excuse is a weird 2-11 work schedule? Bah, weak excuse.
Plus, I lent out my whole collections of Excel Saga to a friend (1-17) and they were somehow lost, so no constant reminders have been lying around.  :sumysad: Ok, that's just a sad excuse.

Great stuff, Micki! I love the locust bit too, though I thought for a moment that her head had exploded until I realized it was tiny bugs instead of a spray of blood. :D You are too good, no fair.
Admittedly, I sat staring at Lord Il's avatar for a few minutes as well
Indeed! I loved it even though I wasn't sure about Matt Smith at first (I thought he looked all smarmy in the previews). Luckily, it was really entertaining, though I thought the whole running off before your marriage thing was a little forced, but hey! that's the only thing I'd complain about. I'm so excited for Moffat!
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
March 31, 2010, 08:27:34 AM
I once found a dead mouse in a 12 pack of Sprite. It sort of freaked me out, but I lived with my dad in a foresty area, so we never were sure if it was the company's fault or the woods.
I guess I wasn't that scarred-- I still occasionally drink Sprite. Of course, I hadn't thought about it in a while either XD
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
March 17, 2010, 03:40:43 AM
Happy belated birthday, SWamP! Hope it was great!

I feel your pain, Maddy. I'm pretty sick and in-training at my job. Nooo fuuuun. At least I have light-up shamrock earring to amuse me today but I fear there will be no debauchery this St. Patty's day. Booooo.
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
March 09, 2010, 05:58:30 PM
Ugh, I'd be too-- that was a super fail on their part. Re-education for all!
Babble / Re: Chit Chat thread
March 08, 2010, 04:51:59 PM
Those three themes were repeated a billion times today at my training. UGH. I realize I shouldn't complain since I've finally gotten a 'job' but the turn-over seems really high (new training classes every month) and I'm still skeptical. At least I still have another three weeks of training to decide...

I agree, HA1L, the job market is still extremely sad. I've been programmed to think you'd automatically get a semi-decent job straight-away with a college degree. Silly conditioning.
Alas, I may be weary of it already, but the money will be nice!
At least I'm not Misaki.