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"Commemorative Book at the End of Excel Saga"

Started by Excel_Lover, August 30, 2022, 09:39:29 PM

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Uh, so this is my first post. Guess I should say hello to the five or so people who still care about Excel Saga. Excel Saga is by far the best manga I have ever read. Rikudo Koushi is an absolute genius of a writer. And I really hope I have the ability to give this old series back the love, (loyalty), and attention it so rightfully deserves.


Anyway, I managed to find and scan a copy of the elusive commemorative book. It's not the best or anything, but the text is at least readable, and it's far better than the only other scan of it on the internet (that I've found anyway).

Here's the .cbz file:

Here's the original 300 dpi scans:

Hope you all enjoy.