
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
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Started by Pamplemousse, November 09, 2009, 08:46:34 PM

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 :elangry: I, Elgala, cannot believe that there is not a thread of nerdgasm devoted specifically to my uncommon beauty, loquaciousness, and poise!

Ha, perhaps someone over-reacted, but it is kind of strange that we don't have specific threads for each of the ACROSS girls...
At any rate, a friend was telling me about a floofy shojo manga, Shugo Chara, and one of the characters is a self-centered angel-thing named El who at first speaks her inner thoughts outloud and accuses others of being psychic when they comment on it. XD No hair curls, luckily.
But that's not all.
...She has an evil twin named Il.
Elgala, you have a rival.
Il Pala, you are now a devil!girl.
Oh, shojo. You so crazy.
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


I thought we did have one. I remember because i said something bad about her [I happen to like her now though].