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X-men and there awesomeness

Started by FullmetalExcel, September 14, 2007, 09:51:01 PM

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I have loved the X-men for all of my childhood life and i wanna see if anyone here likes the comic book.cartoons. or the movie. My fav x-men is not a x-men but the leader of the brother hood....magneto!

Who is your fav?
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


No wonder ur always giving me the option to call the X men in the dating sim....

But I will never pick it! MWAHAHAHAHAHA  :eevil: :eevil: :eevil:

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


...also Iceman is my fav >.>

Go Omega class mutants!

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.


Psylocke has always been my favorite.


QuotePsylocke has always been my favorite.
Psylocke is awesome!

QuoteNo wonder ur always giving me the option to call the X men in the dating sim....

But I will never pick it! MWAHAHAHAHAH

Why not? you could use there help right now! i know its off topic of excel saga but seeing how excel saga kinda Rips on everything, I should be able to do it too in the dating game. but not that much.
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


Hmm then maybe I will let them appear, if the moment is right

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.