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Tenchi Muyo fan art

Started by Lan, May 04, 2009, 07:30:02 AM

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Its only taken me like 5 years to finish!


Damn, 5 years, you take longer breaks than i do :D
It looks good and authentic though, what methods did you use to do it ..?
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Paint Shop Pro 5, and a LOT of trial and error. the tools were basic at best.

Im really pleased with the background. It turned out very close to the original background. The only way i could get it shaded like that was to use the colour copier on the original background, flood a really tiny image with the blue colour, then I used a white colour spray to create a dot to one side. then i blew up the image really really big then got the ayeka picture and pasted it as a new layer, then cropped back to size.

Lord Il

Nice! Somewhat like image vectoring.
Ayeka's happy expression makes it a great piece to work from. Cute. ^^

This reminds me of someone I knew at an old anime board where she'd always change the hair color on every avatar she used - purple. And I do mean EVERY avatar. lol!