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The tragic fall of Watanabe

Started by E^D Crow, October 18, 2007, 09:04:06 AM

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I have always liked the trio in both manga and anime versions and I have to agree that Watanabe is a great twist on a over done akward guy cliche. As the most 'normal' guy it is a surprise his mind coped till now and  I am eager to see what is next for him. It must be very hard for him to sorta lose Iwata as a flesh punch bag as an outlet as well as his 'love' but I think too many brain breaking things have occured for his 'normal' mind. I might be odd but liked the 'old' Watanabe, though ch19 has gold in.


Heh... I agree. At one point in the early volumes, I was betting he was the one most likely to be offed. You know, being the normal one and all...  Of course, then it turned out to be Iwata. But, I wonder what he'd do if he found out he bombed Hyatt... would we recapture some of the sane!Watanabe? I hope not...
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Watanabe is subconsciously - or perhaps purely by chance - training himself to be the type of person who will be psychologically able to deal with a future spouse (Hyatt) with the disturbing tendency to spew blood and die (temporarily) when excited or aroused...

Our Minds exist only in virtual reality.

E^D Crow

I don't know about you all, but I don't read the spoilers.

I can't (yet, I must) wait to see what he does in Vol. 23.

He had kind of a crazy look in his eyes...  The suspense of that one scene alone is going to bug me all year long!  And that's OK.



Quote from: E^D Crow on June 20, 2011, 08:01:41 PM
I don't know about you all, but I don't read the spoilers.

I can't (yet, I must) wait to see what he does in Vol. 23.

He had kind of a crazy look in his eyes...  The suspense of that one scene alone is going to bug me all year long!  And that's OK.

Couldn't agree with you more. I stopped looking at the spoilers after I realized it was far more painful for me to check them out than for me to wait. Only 10 more months 'til April... :il_hahaha:

Lord Il

Quote from: Foggle on June 20, 2011, 10:35:28 PMOnly 10 more months 'til April... :il_hahaha:
Is that all?? Sweeeet! :e_tongue:
... blarg....... X_x

Generally, I think Watanabe's character has always freaked me out a little bit - The fact of him being sometimes unpredictable and unstable in creepy, dark ways. But this when combined with his cynical nature makes his character a lot of fun.
And this observation of him isn't just limited to the manga either. Despite the anime being as short as it was, I thought his character was developed and conveyed pretty well.

As for recent events with him in volume 23, shit!
[spoiler=For Watanabe's mentality]Have to wonder if he straightened himself out only to become a headcase once again..

.. Headcase......... riiiiight. Like that'll ever change. :il_hahaha:[/spoiler]


I like Watanabe quite a bit. I think he's a good guy overall who just happens to have the worst luck in the world. He was bound to be pushed past his breaking point eventually.

Quote from: Lord Il on June 21, 2011, 02:53:07 PM
And this observation of him isn't just limited to the manga either. Despite the anime being as short as it was, I thought his character was developed and conveyed pretty well.
Yeah, of all the characters who weren't either part of ACROSS or created by Nabeshin, he was the only one with any development in the anime.


It seems appropriate to bring this topic back, as Watanabe is regaining some of his old self again, rejoice..!

I did like the shady creep he became for a while, but the old Watanabe is the one I liked best in the end, despite the dialogue from his changed character being absolutely hilarious :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'