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What is this RP thing?

Started by skycloud, September 08, 2007, 08:40:29 PM

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I'm still fairly new here trying to learn all the tricks to the forum, but what is all this RP talk. I just assume its Role Playing but how do u go about it? >.>

I have to find a time in the near future to go back and restore the world.

Lord Il

At the moment, I'm trying to determine the fate of the existing Excel Saga RP we started here a while back. Interest has unfortunately dwindled. :e_upset:

Please make your opinion known here in my poll....

Only 4 votes have been made. :elcry:


Role playing is easy and fun my friend. It is were you pick or create(someplaces) a character to be. you then play out that character. posting what its doing and interacting with other players. i gave a sample rp post in a thread called .pick a character and play (or something like that..anyways its here in babble.)

any more questions
dont be afraid to ask
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!