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Ragathol's big fanart thread! (nudity alert)

Started by Ragathol, January 23, 2008, 03:02:49 PM

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Hahaha, I have a hard time seeing Il Palazzo being that pervy. I imagine it'd be one of those corrupt things he'd hate to do. Then again...


Anywho, I like your style. There's something about it that reminds me of something happy. Also, good colors. I have lots of trouble with colors. Have you heard of Tegaki? You seem to like Oekaki, so I thought you might like this. It's Flash-based, so there's no need to mess with applets [I hate Java applets...]. : D


Thank you!

IlPalazzo already has two different personalities, maybe he's hiding something more, hm?
I think I have a Tekagi account, but I haven't used it much. | |
<ParadoxHeart> Hentai is when a woman and a man and a man and a man and an octopus love each other very much.


Huff, haven't been drawing any ES lately. These are pretty old by now. | |
<ParadoxHeart> Hentai is when a woman and a man and a man and a man and an octopus love each other very much.


I still adore the lovely coloring in your pics  :il_hahaha:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress

You are amazing and awesome! However! There is new rule that if you've been gone from the forum for quite sometime you must draw Maddy a sexy Victor picture or squirrels will invade your home and steal your peanut butter.

Lord Il


Yes ..!
It's not like it's restricted to fanart alone, art in general is very welcome ...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress

I agree with Lord Il and Micki!. I clicked the link to look at your site and what you have there is fantastic! I especially like your skill at drawing women.

Lord Il

Occasionally I'll randomly look through imageboards and see Ragathol's material posted somewheres on them. The latest sighting was on the imageboard at Sankaku Complex recently. I believe it was some Touhou pics and something from Excel Saga.

His work is becoming very well known.


Thanks, all. Maybe I'll make a thread for other stuff as well. But then again, you can see them on my devart.

Some more naughties this time:

:elangry: God damn it
:il_hahaha: | |
<ParadoxHeart> Hentai is when a woman and a man and a man and a man and an octopus love each other very much.


Il Palazzo's face there is golden awesome ... :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Quote from: Micki! on December 19, 2009, 07:26:12 PM
Il Palazzo's face there is golden awesome ... :D
Indeed. That look is too funny for mere words.

Also.. I'm guessing that someone didn't realise that the ACROSS uniforms are Dry Clean Only, huh? :il_hahaha:


I'm on my annual visit!

We've got some new stuff that I'm going to link, both because they are quite large and also quite improper.

First, a commission, so don't blame me - Giant Excel And Also Quite Giant Elgala duking it out in the city!
Actually I have two other Giant Excel pictures for the same commissioner, but they're on my currently disabled computer, so it'll have to wait, if you like things like that.

The other one is what happened when Teriha and Umi got home from that fated cosplay night... That's when the real fun starts!

Cheers, and have fun! | |
<ParadoxHeart> Hentai is when a woman and a man and a man and a man and an octopus love each other very much.


Oh hay, is still place still running? Two years since last post again, sorry 'bout that.
And now boomspeed is gone, with all the old pictures. Oh well, most of them are on my deviantart somewhere.
I'm all out of ES pictures though(except for one super extra naughty that might be too much to even link here), so I'll post something else. Mostly bitchy witches from the Touhou universe. But kinda sorta enjoy!

Letty, the spectre of winter. I recently spent a year in Tokyo, and I did this on the day of the first(and only) snow last winter. 2chan oekaki/ Paint BBS

Parsee, the underground incarnation of jealousy, looking angry as usual. 2chan oekaki/Paint BBS

Wonderful Gate Guard Girl Hong Meiling(in Cammy's leotard). 2chan oekaki/Paint BBS

Some men just doesn't want to see the world burn. Paint Tool Sai

Goddess of Earth, Suwako Moriya, being extra froggy. 4chan oekaki/Shi Painter

Master puppeteer Alice Margatroid. 4chan oekaki/Shi Painter

And now to something completely different - One Piece's Usopp in full career! I thought of making a fancy artbook, but I haven't gotten farther than this yet... Paint Tool Sai | |
<ParadoxHeart> Hentai is when a woman and a man and a man and a man and an octopus love each other very much.

Lord Il

Quote from: Ragathol on August 23, 2013, 11:30:00 AMAnd now boomspeed is gone, with all the old pictures. Oh well, most of them are on my deviantart somewhere.
I never liked boomspeed much for image hosting anyway. Maybe it was just me but I never thought it to be reliable. I used to discourage people from using it years ago.

Quote from: Ragathol on August 23, 2013, 11:30:00 AMI'm all out of ES pictures though(except for one super extra naughty that might be too much to even link here), so I'll post something else.
If you feel it's too over-the-top, yeah, we definitely won't go there.
Pics which can be considered as mild ecchi are okay. Anything which branches too much into hentai territory, nope.

Nice Touhou pics. You obviously have a good quality drawing tablet. I'm liking the Suwako Moriya pic in particular because of the tongue. It makes more sense to me to have her depicted that way (in keeping with her frog theme). You should make a few more pics of her like this - the Touhou community will go gaga over them!

Quote from: Ragathol on August 23, 2013, 11:30:00 AM
And now to something completely different - One Piece's Usopp in full career!
It's not like I've seen a lot of One Piece fan art before, but that is the best I've ever seen! :ehail: