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Chit Chat thread

Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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I like the mad hatter design.


I'm excited, but I'll be driving in it all day. :/
It's not much, but it covered all the trees and this pleases me.
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


no snow here yet ... I like it, but wish it wasn't so cold, so in a way i'm happy it's not here...
But winter just doesn't feel the same without it :o
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Quote from: Pamplemousse on December 07, 2009, 07:35:12 AM
Second snowfall here. Just happened on the week-end. Not much to shovel which is just the way I like it. ^^


no snow here, not even a frost. All we're getting is bloody rain

Mad Hatteress

Considering I love in Minnesota we really haven't gotten all that much. There's a tiny bit on the ground but we're supposed to get hit with a monster storm tomorrow. I hope it misses us!

Also, I have been traumatized by the infamous Demon Dog Photo.

Mad Hatteress

Someone ****ing shoot me.

In Human Anatomy the topic for discussion this week is cloning and way too many of the posts just sound like this: "God! God! God! Bible! Bible! Bible! I'm a mindless sheep! Blah blah blah!".


What a load of class...
Remind them that cloning for the largest part has something to do with biology and science, and nothing about religion, which should stay off topic, because it goes doesn't really add anything to your knowledge of the topic itself ...

I'd get pissed if i had to read through a load of irrelevant shit just to reach to the point which explains what i was looking for in the first place... Don't really get smarter on the anatomic, biological, or scientific area of learning, by talking religion, that's a thing of and ALL by itself, and is perhaps merely worth a mention worth, but shouldn't be all over the freaking place, keeping you from learning what you're supposed to...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress

^ Believe me, I tried, but apparently "Only God should decided how long our lifespans are; humans shouldn't control it by cloning.".

They even apply that to just cloning individual parts, which is just fine in my eyes (cloning humans gives me the willies; it makes me think of Alien: Resurrection). I asked if they've ever gotten any shots or gone to the doctor, because that must go against God as well since maybe he wanted them to get measles or die of a horrible sickness.

I haven't gotten a reply yet.


well it's awfully unchristian to be all hating over even artificial life ... Life is life, if it's a person who develops a personality, i'd like to see him reject this artificial person who got cloned... Being born is just a biological process, and the fact that it can be replicated in some lab doesn't make it any different than it was to begin with ... The result is the same, it just didn't grow in a womb...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress

I really should bring that up as well but I doubt I'll get an intelligent response back. I don't see why some people are fine with women spitting out 19+ kids but talk about cloning and then they bring up God and get pissed.

I'm only not OK with human cloning because chances are they won't get it right the first time and scientists might even destroy the "failure" even if it is a living, breathing thing. I just don't think life should be screwed around with. This is my opinion alone, whether it be right or wrong, and I feel I'm entitled to it because I feel this way because of who I am, not what some book which might actually be fiction says.

EDIT: Also, I'm sorry if I've pissed anyone off. This is one of the issues I have; I tend to say things that offend people.


Quote"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei

Just hit the bible nuts with that. We have been given the ability to formulate these methods for a reason, so obviously their dear and fluffy lord intended for our minds to conceive of the concept and means for cloning. The question of whether we should is thus not a religious one, but an ethical one in which boundaries must be set, but logic and reason are the arbiters of such a decision, not religion. This won't stop all of them of course because those set in their ways cannot be moved by any force short of divine intervention. Which leads me to another of my favorite quotes from Lord Byron:

Quote"Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves."

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move

Mad Hatteress

I wish I could borrow that brain of yours', Elric. You expressed what I'm unable to perfectly and I'm sure you'd rattle their cages so much with things they couldn't counter they'd be speechless.

Mad Hatteress

I'm bored, so for you entertainment here's some stuff that's been going on the cloning discussion topic (Joshua is the biggest tool of them all)

Thread 1

QuoteThis discussion is somewhat contradicting. Is there a belief that is one hundred percent logical? No. The way people view cloning is derived from how they view life. People view lives based on both facts and beliefs. No one can view life from facts alone because there are limited facts on how life began. I think it is then logical to conclude that cloning is viewed from at least two beliefs. Evolution and Creation. Evolutionists would say that since there is no judge and that cloning would be fine because everything got here by chance in the first place. Creationists would say that human life is to begin only by the author of Creation and no one else. The Bible says that humans are to be the Lord's servants and that there is no servant greater than his Master. I am a Christian and a creationist. I believe the Bible and the Bible says that God created the Ten Commandments. He then decides what is right and wrong and regulation ends where He says it is suppose to end.
- Joshua Schustak

QuoteI get your post. it makes sense. I get that your a christian and that god created the ten commandments. Isn't one of those commandments "though shalt not kill."? So if we as humans follow the bible then there wouldn't be animals on the extinction list or endangered list because we as humans killed them not for food or survival but out of greed which is a deadly sin. So along those same lines wouldn't it be against god if you didn't due everything technology allowed to keep this animal alive and growing?
-Megan Sayre

QuoteIn Deuteronomy (meaning a second law), we have Moses' discourse to the chosen people before they enter The Promised Land. The commandments are repeated in chapter 5, thus we again hear the command, Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Following just a few chapters later in Moses same discourse we read:
However, in any of your communities you may slaughter and eat to your hearts desire as much meat as the Lord, your God, has blessed you with... (12:15)

After the Lord your God has enlarged your territory, as he promised you, when you wish meat for food, you may eat it at will, to your hearts desire... (12:20)

Another approach to the Ten Commandments is that they can be broken down into two distinct categories. The first three commandments pertain to our relationship with God:
I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before me.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Remember to keep holy the Sabbath or The Lord's day
The next seven are about our relationship with others:
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not kill.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
You shall not covet you neighbor's goods.

It is important not to take verses out of context
-Joshua Schustak

Thread 2:

QuotePersonally I don't think anyone or any animal should be cloned. I just think it's wrong.
-Catherine Zuidema

QuotePresident George Bush said cloning is wrong "because no human life should be started or ended as the object of an experiment."
-Jashua Schustak

QuoteBush also doesn't know how to spell Connecticut.

Another one of Josh's gems:
QuoteEvolutionary THEORY is not a reliable source to believe. Darwin based some of his beliefs off of Ernst Haekel. Have you read the book entitled "Haeckel's fraud and forgery"? Check it out...

