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Chit Chat thread

Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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Glædelig allesammen !!!

A little late, but I didn't have internet access till now, hope you had a nice holiday, assuming you celebrated at all..!
If you didn't, smile anyway or pull the rope on you :il_hahaha:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

^I'm smiling! I'm smiling!!! HONEST!!!!!

Walk away from the rope, Micki! Please walk away from it. It's as damp as hell down there....

WAIT..! Does that even make sense? Can hell be damp? mmm... Maybe certain locations in hell are... damp-ish? I.... I dunno where I'm going with this.................

WHEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeee... :excel_fall:


Don't worry too much, I arranged for a christmas tree at the bottom of the pit, just make sure you lean to the sides, you'd want to avoid the middle as the star on top of it is particularly pointy..!

... It just occurred to me you might have hit the bottom by now, so I'd suggest using the gift wrappings as a method to stop any external (and if possible, internal..?) bleeding..!

Merry Holidayness  :il_hahaha:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

^There was some amount of chaffing but everything is good now! =)


Trying to explain to a fellow co-worker about anime yesterday....
"Annie May? What's that?"
X_x .......

Explaining anything like this to him can be very headache inducing. lol!


Oh gee, that sounds like a challenge Lord Il, try making it your ultimate goal making him a great fan of a series now..! :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Bwaha! Y'know.... I love a challenge. I really do. But in this case I need to seriously not go THERE or I risk giving myself a migraine of epic proportions. This is the type of person who just won't bother if he can't easily follow what's going on. Excel Saga would be wayyyyy too much for him to handle.

But some people are just like that. They require stories which they feel are more simplified to digest and need everything "spoon-fed" to them with little room for imagination. I feel bad for these people. lol!


Aahhh, I know the type, what a shame :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Hey guys! I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I'd mention what I've been up to.

I got a job back in October that was supposed to be part time, but I got pushed to full time because my boss lost an employee. So I had been staying with my grandmother, because the work is based in Sydney. I really wanted to move to Sydney and get away from the town I've always lived in. Over time I came to see my town as superior. Sydney is so busy and very badly designed.

I don't know how much about Sydney you know, but in a country that could snugly fit Europe in it and have a population of 22 million... about 6+ million live in the Sydney area, or commute to it. However, it doesn't have a very good public transportation system and everyone drives. It's not as bad as London, but it's not nice.

I decided that due to the ridiculous cost for a crummy apartment and just how busy Sydney is, I was probably better off on the Coast.

My Grandma is also a very difficult person and I got sick of staying with her. My boss said she'd get someone soon, but that hasn't happened. So I've been commuting a month or so now.

It's been hard to adjust to. My work hours can vary from 7 to 10 hours a day and with the commute... I usually spend 12 hours out each day.

Sadly, I've come to dislike my job. It's so much more physical from what I had been doing, at my other job that is 20 mins down the road and paid the same amount. I've lost money due to spending $70+ a week in petrol. 

I get a bit depressed at times and really have the urge to quit, but I can't quit just yet, because I have to pay for a trip overseas.

Yes, enough complaining! I'm going to the UK and France next week! I'll be gone for 6 weeks. How exciting.

And a nice result from working in Sydney, for a time, is that I enrolled in a Japanese class. Sadly I wasn't able to enrol for the next term because I'm going away and will probably leave my job and stay on the coast, but it was really nice to just get started learning Japanese. I'll have to figure out a way to study it here instead.

So....that's what I've been up to.

OH! And of course, I must do a fan art for the last volume of Excel saga! I must express my love!


It's great to see you return..! That's quite a story you had to tell, hope thing will end up good soon, stating with a job that makes you unhappy definitely doesn't seem like something you should stick to in the long run..!

I probably have a small story to share too, but I'm still in the middle of it, and want to finish what I'm at before I bother letting it all out  :il_hahaha:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Quote from: Randamo on May 10, 2013, 01:30:40 AM

Sadly, I've come to dislike my job. It's so much more physical from what I had been doing, at my other job that is 20 mins down the road and paid the same amount. I've lost money due to spending $70+ a week in petrol. 

Sounds about the same as me.
Around when I first got out of school I was really fortunate to have my first few jobs close to home. Public transit kinda sucked around here, but driving a car short distances to/from work wasn't much of a problem since I didn't burn too much fuel. My present job is triple the distance which really took a long time to adjust to the extra fuel I have to pay out. But..... ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Don't quit your job! Unless it's affecting you in a really bad way, stay with it until you can line something else up first.


For a time it really affected me in a bad way, I felt. Like several times feeling very aggravated, stressed and having the strongest urge to quit. But I've stuck it out and gotten through the worst of it, I think. Or it may get worse; I anticipate my responsibilities will increase, but only to add to my burden. I'll find something else, fo sho.

I'm going on my trip tomorrow, so yay! Let's not talk about work.

I've done a really crummy fan art, but I'm not sure what the procedure is. Is there a way to submit it online?


You just send it to Carl's email: once AT
And call it something like "Excel Saga fanart submission" or something, and maybe a message along with it, and your name of course..!

And that's that, looking forward to see your thing Randamo :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


thanks for that, but I forgot to bring the file with me on holiday. er.... will submissions still be open in July?


Not sure exactly how long there is, I just submitted my finished drawing yesterday, thinking it was too late, but apparently it wasn't..!
Not sure dragging it a full month is very good  :-X

But you can always send Carl an email and ask just to make sure..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Quote from: Randamo on June 01, 2013, 01:05:47 AM
will submissions still be open in July?
I wish I could tell you. I don't have any info for the deadline. T_T