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Chit Chat thread

Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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 :ehail: :ehail: :ehail:
I'm happy !

I just received some fantastic posters for my room !

(The crappy quality is due to my phone, you can see them in best quality on the artist's page : ; kudos to his beautiful art !)

Moreover, I just bought Umineko Chiru, which means I'll soon be able to enjoy the masochistic pleasure of having my mind fully trolled.

I'm so happy I couldn't die right now, as I would be resurrected by pure joy.  :ehail: :ehail: :ehail:
"The problem with asshole paraplegics is that you have to get on your knees to punch them in the goddamn face, so it's not worth it most of the time."


awesome! The Baccano one has a really cool stlye to it.

Lord Il

Quote from: E^D Crow on October 18, 2011, 05:47:57 PMFrom what I remember, Toronto has some diverse resturaunts...  Which was unfortunate to learn, because I was on a tight budget that weekend.  It was either room service, or Tim Horton's...

That's too bad. I didn't get a chance to sample much different cuisine there either.
I mostly only go to Tim's for the coffee and occasional muffin, but it's great to go to when budgets tend to be tight.


hey guys if your from the uk you know what saturday is but if your not then i'll tell you. Saturday is bonfire night in the uk where we set off fireworks and light big bonfires and it happens to be one of my faveourite nights of the year :-)

Why do we do this well its all in history lol

In 1605 there was a plot to assassinate King James I/VI and destroy the houses of parliament. On the 4th of november after an anonymous letter, guards went into the cellers of parliament to find Guy Fawkes about to light the fuse of alot of barrels of gunpowder. Of the thirteen conspirators i think 8 were executed and the remainder were killed by musket fire when they were tracked down.

The reason for the bonfires and fireworks is to represent what coulda happened if the plot went through. Also an effigy of guy fawkes is thrown on top of the fire an old tradition is to is to put the effigy in a wheel barrow and kids wheel him around asking "penny for the guy"

There is even an old poem

Remember, remember
the fifth of November,
gunpowder treason and plot

i cant think of a reason
whatever the reason
the plot should ever be forgot

There we go that was fun :-)

E^D Crow

That's just awesome!  Nice to have the whole thing explained by a native.  =^D 
Of course, the 4th of July is totally based on it!

I think the rampant use of the Guy Fawkes mask on the internet is a strange legacy, but still kind of fits?
Not thinking about whether the long-dead Guy Fawkes would have approved or not:  it works, on many different levels.  There were more than a few at the NYC Halloween parade this year, and maybe some of them know the real story, but most probably don't.

Thanks, HA1L!



After the attempt failed on parliment he must have felt a hung, drawn and quatered

Lord Il

Speaking of which, the hacking group Anonymous had promised earlier this year they would somehow destroy facebook this 5th of November. They are citing that facebook is used as an online tool by the government in order to spy and collect whatever data they wish from any and all facebook accounts. Anonymous feels that the elimination of facebook is necessary to protect the people..

Place your bets!


depends on the country.   I just think these hackers are a little bit warped, becuase like everything else the law will eventually catch up to them.

Lord Il

Quote from: exckilla on November 05, 2011, 02:40:27 PM
depends on the country.   
True. It was never stated where and what government(s) would supposedly collect such data.

In the end, facebook is still standing today.


I had a great night round my friends we set off the fireworks and then we watched a movie and.had a laugh ^_^ it was brilliant


I am fed up :-( its been nearly 2 years since i have had a job. I'm single again (my last gf i dumped because she had used me to get back at her ex) and i have no money :-( im aproaching my 26th birthday in a depression even more depressing is the lack of any computer. My laptop finally passed away yesterday and my pc needs to be fixed but thats proving hard :-( even worse xmas is on the way what am i gonna do. I still have 4 bills to pay and i cant let my family and friends know because i dont wanna be in debt to people i care about :-( i will pay off the bills but then i dunno what :-( man i wish i had a job or won the lotto

Lord Il

Too bad you're not here across 'the pond', HA1L. Or at least at last Spring when we needed new people in the finishing department. Seriously.


*pops in*

hi! i feel like it's been so long since we last met. I've dropped in a few times to lurk, but not say anything constructive.

Anyway, what's up guys?
