
The least-anticipated revival since Fuller House is finally here! Against all odds, the Excel
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Chit Chat thread

Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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It looks neat from the inside, but the outside is a giant mess, the old official building still exists, but has extended onto another nearby building, along with the middle part between them being built up to connect them, that makes 3 distinguishable designs into one building, and it looks weird, but I guess it's fine, best thing by far is the sound proof walls and windows..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'



A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I hate to double post, but this thread sure seems silent, it's chit chat thread, not quit chat thread..!

Man I should make a poem, that was such a clever phrase  :lordilsmile:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Quote from: Micki! on May 13, 2012, 09:11:05 AM
I hate to double post, but this thread sure seems silent, it's chit chat thread, not quit chat thread..!

Man I should make a poem, that was such a clever phrase  :lordilsmile:
Beautiful. You should.

Maybe write a haiku. Here's one I did a few years back for inspiration.

One dead prostitute
In the trunk of my Chevy
Only fifty bucks


Beautiful, let me try that, I never did a haiku before..!

Boredom overflows the mind
Inspiration lacks
Hammer to the face might help
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il


Well.. the contest is now a wrap. It was almost done a day later than my projected time frame. O_O
My apologies for that. That hammer to my face might be a good punishment. Or does that only work to fix boredom? :il_hahaha:


You asked a question
My answer is obvious
It makes no sense
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Been quiet huh?

I haven't been as frequent here as usually... sometimes I felt like I was part of a four(?) man group who kept this place breathing.

I still like Excel Saga, but admitably I don't consider myself a no. 1 fan at this point. Maybe the honeymoons over, we've been married 5 years or so and we're a bit bored of each other. Hard to keep the love alive, y'know. He's away so often...

lol, okay.

What have I been up to? Not much. Lazing around.

Last post in this thread by me was the excursion I took in December. Eheh.... Well, it's been a loooong time.

Short story of what my life has been like since then:

Jan - end of April: Working full-time. Quit at the end.
May: Germany
June: Land of chocolate.... came home halfway through the month
Since then? Lazing around.

So it's not like I did anything that exciting. Well, I went to Germany. There isn't that much to say about it though. I went there, saw stuff and came back. It was pretty. I genuinely don't think it's worth talking about.

I'll stop by again. This forum is one of the nicest around and I like y'all. I don't think I'll be here that often, but I get sad at the thought of this place becoming a dead site.


It's nice you're back, it has been quiet around here, way too quiet..! Didn't help Lord Ill had posting issues recently, where some threads were impossible posting in, luckily the new forum software seemed to fix that..!

I'm wondering now if that problem occurred to more people than we originally thought, maybe that's why it was so goshforsaken quiet around here..? If so, hopefully it picks up soon..!

Speaking of Germany, if I'm not too busy in September, a bunch of friends wanted to go to Berlin in Germany, I want to go there too, but it depends if I can allow myself the free time..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Lord Il

Quote from: Randamo on July 02, 2012, 01:51:23 AMI still like Excel Saga, but admitably I don't consider myself a no. 1 fan at this point. Maybe the honeymoons over, we've been married 5 years or so and we're a bit bored of each other. Hard to keep the love alive, y'know. He's away so often...
lol! That's a fun comparison. At least "he" will be around twice this year.  :e_wink:

And it's actually kind of exciting to have more than one volume come out within the same year. This hasn't happened in a long time and is a welcome change to say the least. Thinking about it, reading the ES manga has been like a weird journey through almost ten years of my life. So many interesting memories have collected during this span of time - some good, some bad. I can look at some of my older volumes and associate them with stuff which happened during the time period I first bought them. While I don't feel married to it, Excel Saga is almost like an old buddy. :lordilsmile:


yeah, thought it might get one laugh.

I was into Excel Saga most strongly when in High School. As much as high school is supposed to suck, I have a number of tv shows, music and manga that I was into at that time and bring me back to it with a nostalgic feeling.

Manga was such a high school thing, I barely touch it now.


I prefer to read manga than a normal book, got into reading ouran host club, liked the anime so I thought I would give the books a try, still into excel saga, but waiting for the boxset to be a little cheaper from my second hand dealer of over priceness namely cex.

Lord Il

Just thought I'd throw a warning out there for those who have a Hotmail account and to those who may get emails from friends/relatives who have Hotmail.

A relative of mine recently reported that their Hotmail account has been hacked. Emails are being sent to all her contacts (including myself) saying "____ sent you a private message". A blue hyperlink saying 'Private Message' is in all these emails. Doing a Google search revealed this to be a large scale virus problem.
If you do get such emails, don't click the 'Private Message' hyperlink! Instead, delete the email and inform your friends quickly.