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Borderlands! Borderlands! Borderlands! (This Thread Is About Borderlands!)

Started by Foggle, August 13, 2009, 08:50:40 AM

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So, now that we've got four players, how are we gonna' set this up?

How can we contact you, Poey?


I'm always on AIM when I'm on the computer, so that's the simplest way. The only problem will probably be a time when we're all available.


Has anyone else played the new Zombie DLC yet? It's an absolute riot, humor-wise! I also leveled up 5 times and got some sweet new loot. :)


Yeah, about that sweet new loot ... How's that 9-damage SMG ..? :D

That's pretty fucked up though, haha, wonder what the hell caused that...
i wish i could give you my SMG, incendiary orange one... But i love it too much, way too much...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'



Well, I beat the Zombie island content. Very cool, I got a LOT of amazing equipment... and now I'm back on the regular game and everything seems all low-level... damn. Also, I'm spoiled by fighting retarded zombies.


You should go try the Secret Armory of General Knoxx DLC, it's cooler than the actual main game imo, shorter, but much more well done in every aspect...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'



I still play the game from time to time with friends. I need to get new DLC with the raised level cap and whatnot.


you guys play on PC or xbox?
i had it on xbox, but i have it on PC now

i rarely play my Steam games though since i share my steam account with someone


I have it for PC on steam, Foggle as well...

Funnnn..! It's oddly much more enjoyable with friends... Even silly stuff like "harhh, i found something for your HUNTAAAARRRRRR class here..!" or "ZOMG A YELLOW GUN, DAT MINEZ"

Those things just don't work right when playing alone :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'



I'm now using a Hunter and a Siren. Hunter is level 40 I think, Siren is level 33 or something.