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What are you watching or listening to right now..?

Started by MincyMatsu, October 02, 2009, 09:12:55 AM

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Lord Il

^I must admit that I'm questioning Michael Bay's involvement in this. He seems to like re-inventing things a lot.

I'm already disappointed that Robert Englund (THE Freddy Krueger) is not going to be reprising his lead role in the new Nightmare on Elm Street movie. But if they can at least give Robert a cameo... it would be a way of passing the torch.


Doctor about to have his throat sliced by mr vorhees (fth13 prt 4).  I was bored, depressed and I find horror movies a little more enjoyable and less terrifying when I am this way.

Mad Hatteress

Sixteen and Pregnant. It was funny in a really horrible how the guy was like "I'm going to be here for you and the baby." and stuff like that... Aaaand then four weeks passed and she heard nothing from him. Turns out he was in jail for another DUI, they got into a fight, and now they're not together.


Well star wars a new hope, in its original glory without the special edition features


Trying to understand the white horse shit in rob zombies halloween 2

Lord Il

Just found out that the newest Gorillaz album is out.

Love this new vid!
Gorillaz - Stylo
Contains: '69 Camaro, '69 El Camino, and.. huh..? Bruce Willis!??


The album is epic. search 'On Melancholy Hill' on you tube, its the best song on the album, and will be a single later in the year.

Lord Il

^You're right. Not bad at all, Lan. Good easy-listening track.

Can't wait to see more new Gorillaz vids. They're always a fascinating watch.


Watching puppet master in the dark, was going to watch aliens, but the film still gives me the creeps from the last time I made the mistake to watch it in dark.


Watching saw 6 just love the traps apart from the roundabout shotgun one (only lame trap though)



experiencing the fear of a freaky dark ship in the form of pandorum.


A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Watching the Omen 4 again, I just love all the original 4 and the remake.  Still wished they had never remade friday the 13th.

Lord Il

Even though I'm a week off from when I saw it, I figured I'd offer an opinion on the latest Ghost Rider movie...


Ghost Rider is as badass as they come, but this movie lacked a decent story and direction. It was... one of the most.... (what's the word..?) ... unfun (not even a real word? :il_hahaha: ) and boring movies I've seen in recent memory. The first movie was better... and that's really saying something.