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What are you watching or listening to right now..?

Started by MincyMatsu, October 02, 2009, 09:12:55 AM

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Lord Il

Still looks like a creepy Mad Hatter to me. bwahaha..

Mad Hatteress

Quote from: Lord Il on December 10, 2009, 03:10:43 PM
Still looks like a creepy Mad Hatter to me. bwahaha..

That's because he/she calls herself "The Mad Hatter" and dresses as such. He/she is a very peculiar character whose outfits I adore but promiscuity... Not so much. It's not as bad as banging your biological sister like the main character, though... *cough*


Just watched all the trailers for No More Heroes 2. Good god I really want a Wii now.


Mad Hatteress

After searching the web a bit I decided to finally watch some of my season 3 boxset of Venture Brothers before I went to work, forgetting it's completely uncensored.

I had the commentary on and all of a suddenly there was a big, floppy, dick on the screen. One of the guys asks "Are they watching censored or uncensored?" the other responds "It's uncensored so there's dick on the screen right now."

I'm just sitting there thinking Yes, yes there is. and then shaking my head.


Hmm just watching the must unthrilling fil ever, inglorious bastards


Mmmmmmmmmmhhhhhh Oh Omen 3 the final conflict, I just love horror films especially with a bit of age to them, last night I watched the fast anf the furious and fast and furious


I'm watching red dwarf season 3 (Strap one of the nuclear warheads to me forehead and I'll nut the smegger to oblivion XDD)


Well nothing decent on until 6 o'clock, so I thought I would watch star trek 4 the voyage home

Mad Hatteress

Forgot to mention I finished watching Samurai Champloo. That went by really fast and I wish there would've been just a few more episodes. I love it when they find Mugen tripping balls in the burned down marijuana fields!

Due to being sick I was up at weird hours of the morning and discovered there's some pretty dirty stuff on the Oxygen network at two in the morning O_o


Watching happy lesson ova, was watching che part 1 and 2 before this, not bad films, I can see why the guy was an insperation

Lord Il

Just got back from watching Avatar. The IMAX version was surprisingly sold out (considering two weeks since release), but the regular 3D version delivered nicely. James Cameron has a great film on his hands.

I won't give anything away, but...... that tree was HUGE!


I was impressed by avatar I saw it in 3d well worth the money, tempted to see alice in wonderland now that it is being advertised as 3d film.  At this moment of time blogging this info and watching Street Fighter The Legend of Chun-li, its not too bad

Mad Hatteress

Yugioh: The Abridged Series is quite possibly one of the funniest things I have EVER seen! The writing is just perfect!

Yugi: "Kaiba! Threaten to kill yourself! That always works! Except this time really do it!"

And one you'll all appreciate...

Pegasus: "I learned this from watching Excel Saga!" *Activates trap door*



Sorority Row, please shoot me now I thought it was bad enough in the cinema then I rent it only because blockbusters is doing 4 rentals for a tenner, I just hope Train, let the right one in and the vampires assistant is better.


sackman/hockey man oh I mean friday the 13th (2009), just hope the reamke of a nightmare on elm street is better, I have nothing agains't michael bay, but I think he should leave remake horror films alone.