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Funimation picks up Excel Saga license

Started by Inkwolf, November 05, 2010, 02:46:19 PM

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You probably know about it (sorry if it's been discussed already, I'm lazy and didn't search) but it looks like Funimation will be picking up Excel Saga in 2011! :)

It's listed under 'license rescues'


Lord Il

Actually I didn't have a clue.

And I didn't get around to it due to being busy with stuff, but I was wanting to launch a ES re-release campaign at Funimation to influence the masses. :lordilsmile:

Things could get very busy here.. :ehail:

EDIT: March of next year.


Quote from: Lord Il on November 05, 2010, 05:23:39 PM
Actually I didn't have a clue.

And I didn't get around to it due to being busy with stuff, but I was wanting to launch a ES re-release campaign at Funimation to influence the masses. :lordilsmile:

Things could get very busy here.. :ehail:

EDIT: March of next year.

You must have influenced them with your mental waves, Lord Il!  :ehail:

I will have to send Funimation a nice hug by e-mail. They are picking up Hellsing, too. And Trigun--though it isn't one of my favorites, I know tons of people love it.


Lord Il

Quote from: Inkwolf on November 06, 2010, 07:10:35 AMYou must have influenced them with your mental waves, Lord Il!  :ehail:
ummm.. yeah, yes that was it.  :e_wink: Of course!
Well... *ahem* .. maybe I can also make an appearence over at the Funimation Forum sometime soon. Y'know, just to say "hi" and to thank them an' all.

This is pretty exciting though. It could mean a renewed interest in the manga as well. Good times ahead. ^^


At first I thought it was a relaunch of Excel Saga, but they're just re-releasing the old series. Eh, I suppose that's okay, but it doesn't make me too giddy yet. It will be more obvious to people now though, who missed it originally.

However, since I am rather cool on the anime anymore, I hope it at least encourages some people to look into the manga. Now if Funimation, since they own the rights now, ever chooses to make a new series, then I would be giddy.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


I wasn't all that excited - you don't get anything really new.... (sad) But yes, more interest hopefully for the manga!

I'm more excited about the haruhi movie, eden of the east, trigun and sayonara zetsubou sensei(wut is streaming?). I know about Revolutionary Girl Utena, can't wait. And.... sonova, they're re-releasing Mobile Suit Gundam!?!?!?!?! I've bought that thing twice now!


A re-release?  And I was looking forward to finally seeing Elgala animated. :elcry:

Lord Il

I know it's not the 'new' Excel Saga anime everyone has been wanting, but as I mentioned, this re-release could have a positive affect on Viz's publication of the manga by increasing the ES fanbase. This could be the shot-in-the-arm this manga series needs now. Anything to possibly increase publication of more than one volume of Excel Saga per year again would be welcome. :e_wink:

Quote from: Soske on November 12, 2010, 09:44:42 AM
A re-release?  And I was looking forward to finally seeing Elgala animated. :elcry:


Hey, the new Excel release has a picture on Amazon, now:

I like the new packaging - much less embarrassing to have on a shelf than ADV's thinpak. :D 

Of course I won't be trading in my Imperfect Collection with all the disc extras any time soon, though, even to save 4 inches of shelf space...



The Imperfect Collection's box art is hard to top, considering the outer box is hilarious-looking and the cover art for each disc was drawn by Rikudou himself. ;)

As for the thin-pak, at least it doesn't look like a porno this time...

Lord Il

Quote from: Foggle on March 02, 2011, 09:53:53 PM
The Imperfect Collection's box art is hard to top, considering the outer box is hilarious-looking and the cover art for each disc was drawn by Rikudou himself. ;)
Very unique to say the least.

When I first bought the anime of Excel Saga, I got it in individual volumes pre-ordering them at my fav comic book shop as they became available. About a year or so later, I noticed ADV had The Imperfect Collection available on their site. I thought "Damn it! If only I had waited a little longer, I could've had the box too!" But.. ADV did some awesome things back it the day - they had The Imperfect Collection box available for sale for a limited time! With shipping, it must've cost me something like $25. Imagine.. 25 bucks for a DVD box! Was I completely out of my mind?? :il_hahaha: Still, I was very pleased to had gotten it. My collection felt more complete.

Quote from: Foggle on March 02, 2011, 09:53:53 PMAs for the thin-pak, at least it doesn't look like a porno this time...
I believe that ADV made a poor decision on the way they handled the packaging/promotion of the thin-pak release. More than anything, it may have actually turned people off from buying it. Those who didn't know anything of Excel Saga might've taken one look at it only to dismiss it as being an ero-anime title. It was an aweful contrast to how well-done The Imperfect Collection was.

Thanks for the link, Inkwolf! I'm pleased with how Funi is packaging it. :e_pleased:


Quote from: Lord Il on March 03, 2011, 05:53:48 PM
Quote from: Foggle on March 02, 2011, 09:53:53 PM
With shipping, it must've cost me something like $25. Imagine.. 25 bucks for a DVD box! Was I completely out of my mind?? :il_hahaha: [/color]

That's what I said about the Invader Zim house box, and I didn't buy it, and now that it's out of print, it sells for something like $200

Re the Imperfect Collection box, I even saved that plastic tape that was around it to hold the discs in, because they put funny stuff even on there.  Yesterday I reprinted out all the Easter eggs on the discs, planning to have some fun with that again.  There were three pages worth of Easter eggs on Disc 2.  ADV really went to town on Excel's first release. :D


Lord Il

Found a good sale promo in my inbox from Funimation recently.

Don't have your own copy of Excel Saga on DVD yet?
50% off now when you buy from Funimation. They even take PayPal too (Didn't know they did that).

Just throwin' this info out there just in case. It's a great deal!

Edit: Sale has now ended.


  Sorry to chime in so late on this...but with all of the reboots of Hunter x Hunter and F.M.A., it would be great to see a Excel Saga anime that follows the manga. 
  Nothing against the original, a updated version would be nice...maybe we can bribe Shaft to do the work on that....Akimbo directing, of course.


Quote from: coreye on March 19, 2012, 12:45:25 PM
  Sorry to chime in so late on this...but with all of the reboots of Hunter x Hunter and F.M.A., it would be great to see a Excel Saga anime that follows the manga. 
  Nothing against the original, a updated version would be nice...maybe we can bribe Shaft to do the work on that....Akimbo directing, of course.

If only...

Dreams are nice and awesome, though.