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The "What Are You Listening To Now" Thread

Started by Ekuseru, February 13, 2006, 02:57:31 AM

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A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Quote from: Micki! on April 02, 2010, 12:56:53 PM
i'm listening to The Prodigy - Narayan
And it's now my current fav song. Thanks!
Don't know why I never heard this one before.


It's one of their older songs, form one of their first albums, those got overshadowed by their more popular songs such as Breathe and Firestarter, Voodoo People and so on...
Their new Album is great, i hope they keep this going, and create more like it, it's almost like their old stuff all over again, which is pretty awesome \o/
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'



I normally don't care for them (funny, cause i'm ga ga for blur), but this is a really good song. Is their new album good?

Mad Hatteress

Been awhile since I listen to the Gorilaz. I only really liked three or four of their songs. It was their music videos that grabbed me. I love the animation!


Meh, I've always though they were a little dull. Everyone I knew back in '05 had a copy of demon days or at least had feelgood inc. on their ipod (god that song got played out QUICK), but I was the only one that was unfazed by them. The videos are nice, though; But their recent one was a little overkill (Bruce Willis....really?).


Iron maiden 'The pilrim and brighter than a thousand suns'

Lord Il

Quote from: Taste on April 15, 2010, 06:40:27 AM

I normally don't care for them (funny, cause i'm ga ga for blur), but this is a really good song. Is their new album good?
I read a music review for their latest release, Plastic Beach, and everything about it seems positive.

I not a huge Gorillaz fan either but some songs tend to be addicting. The quality of the music vids is second-to-none.


I'll probably give it a shot when I get my next check, then. Thanks for the input.


Fools Day by Blur.

It's the 1st new song by all 4 members of the band since the dark and depressing Battery in your Leg from their last album Think Tank.

This is also a FREE DOWNLOAD.


ehhh... that single is a little disappointing. It feels like a rejected b-side from their last album and they sound like they're on Quaaludes. Then again they haven't made anything new for over 7 years, so who knows. The track is not that bad, so it might grow on me.

Anyways, I'm listening to a lot of Pavement right now. Specifically their debut album "Slanted and Enchanted", and I'm glad to say that I'm enjoying it. I guess that makes me a hipster now. :elcry:


I just enjoy listening to all my ironaiden tracks



Lights and Barricade by Interpol

I really am anticipating their new album since their last one was kind of....ass. Although it did have some good songs, it was too inconsistent and streamlined to have enough re-listenable value. These new songs sound like they're trying to mix the moody and dark atmospheric tones of their 1st release and the dumbed down hooky version of themselves they created on the last album, and so far it seems like it's a winning combo. Anyways I pre-ordered it, so I'll see if my excitements are just on Thursday.