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The "What Are You Listening To Now" Thread

Started by Ekuseru, February 13, 2006, 02:57:31 AM

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Lord Il

Johnny Massacre - Ultrasound

The lyrics for this song are... aweful!!! Yet I find it strangely catchy. O_o Go fig.
It's the watching of the vid with the song that makes this shine. And Weebl 'toons are always strangely entertaining.


Listened to Cake on the way home from work. The music sometimes sounds exactly the same but i love it anyway. Each song has a different feel. I also like the laidback style of his singing. Puts me in the mood for a mellow friday afternoon.

And i have Plastic beach by the gorillaz. it's more electronica and rap than i would like it to be, there aren't any stand out songs [i thought] but 1 continuous journey throughout the cd. enjoyable.

Just wanted to add: their first cd is probably my favourite cd because they sing throughout the songs and dont repeat themselves over and over again. Loved demon days but like Taste said, everything on the track feels too familiar and overplayed. I'd like to like feel good inc. because it's one of the more solid songs, but everyone loved it... which made me feel unspecial if i liked it. Because of it's popularity, I thought liking it put me on the same level as those that listen to beyonce or mariah carey. I'm serious, it's popularity put me off.


Placebo - Twenty Years

Aside from Brians' flashy persona and cheesy lyrics, His bands music is actually quite good. I've also been listening to a lot of Billy Bragg which can be very relaxing during midterms.

Lord Il

Damn it, the 80s are attacking ME!!! :il_hahaha:

Max Headroom w/ Art Of Noise - Paranoimia

Max Headroom was awesome. He should make a comeback.


Quote from: Lord Il on October 28, 2010, 04:43:54 PM
Damn it, the 80s are attacking ME!!! :il_hahaha:

Max Headroom w/ Art Of Noise - Paranoimia

Max Headroom was awesome. He should make a comeback.

I think the band needs more exposure than the pop icon, no offence. :il_hahaha:
It's a shame that most of their discography is out of print and cost a crap load of money now. Sure there are 2 "Best of" cd's, but I feel that "Best of" releases are a bit tacky and don't really give much good input on a bands material aside from a few chart toppers...

Lord Il

^I think they both need exposure. :e_tongue:

But I didn't realize their material went out of print. That's a crime.

Continuing on with my 80s attack, and with another Art Of Noise track, here's Close to the Edit.
This was easily one of my fav music videos back then. So weird it's fun to watch.


Billy Bragg - Accident Waiting to Happen

Possibly one of the best folk artists ever. I actually find his music more driven on human emotion and experience rather than politics.



LOL, go check out Jonathan Coulton and his crazy stuff. Two of my favorites have vids on You Tube. and - Re: Your Brains, a zombie's plight, and Skullcrusher Mountain, a mad scientist in love, good stuff.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


Lord Il

End theme from Panty & Stocking -
Fallen Angel

Damn you, Gainax!  :e_angry:
No, wait! I've only myself to blame for this.. :il_hahaha:

Lord Il

At this moment listening to an impulse buy I got at HMV about an hour ago.... ^^;;

A CD by Metric called Freedom. I believe it's their latest effort.
..uhm... Not a bad listen so far. lol!


Bright Eyes - I Must Belong Somewhere

I was a total 'tard for passing them off in high school. :e_crying:


Lord Il

^That was really good!

Faith No More - As The Worm Turns (Mike Patton Version)

I can't believe it was only a Japanese release exclusive. X_x