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Got bored

Started by E-E, January 19, 2007, 02:36:22 PM

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got nothing much to do so i did a line drawing of someone:


super llama

Is it Hitler? It's gotta be Hitler! The non-Hitleresque features only confirm my suspicions!
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


thats not hitler thats Mr Blair's new disguise when he leaves office isn't it  :lol:


Are you blind?  That's clearly Don Knotz.


well its the Angry Video Game Nerd.

BTW check out his attack upon the third turtles movie.
God i hated the film, awful piece of crap that it was.

Lord Il

Heh... Had no idea it was him, but now I do see a great resemblance.
Good stuff.


well i sent the pic to the man himself and he liked it, in fact its now up on his home page on the fanart section:


Haha, nice, didn't know he had a fanart section...  :)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Hehe the angry Nintendo Nerd is awesome!
This actually reminds me that I unconciously channeled his essence last night as I explained in a crazy drink fueled rant how all old games are in fact utter crap.

Tonzura koite!


watch the new nerd video on spider-man games. my pic is in the title sequence, last one. WOO HOO!


I saw it...  That's cool...  8)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'