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OOC RP Thread -sign up here-

Started by excel-kleinwald, January 20, 2007, 11:38:04 AM

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Ah I haven't posted anythin yet

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I'm sorry I didn't post! I forgot! You can PM me to remind me if you want!


lets add one of those coinxidences you read so much about

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

Lord Il

Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"I'm sorry that I suck  :Ecry:
*hugs PinkBunny* You do not.

Continue on and just have some fun with it. :Ewink:

@starcat: Lemme know when you wish to take over Elgala. I'm having fun with her character, but she's yours whenever you wish. :elcool:

"I, Elgala, am wondering where starcat is. :Elconfus:
Doesn't she like me anymore?" T_T *sniff*



c'mon pinkbunny, don't give up yet.  we've only yet begun. :D


Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"I'm sorry that I suck  :Ecry:

<The following is not meant as a put-down>  So rather than posting to OOC about how much you suck, why not post something to IC to stop sucking?  I mean, there's a lot you could do with Umi.  You could...

1.  Cry because the professor rebuked you harshly
2.  Remember to pass a message to Shioji from Kabapu
3.  Attempt to aid that poor hypnotised man-child.
4.  Strip naked and sing "The Clean Song"  (Ok, not IC, but very amusing imagery
5.  Play with the NPCs
6.  Anything else you can imagine

Don't delay, post today!
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

Quote from: "Railun"
Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"I'm sorry that I suck  :Ecry:

<The following is not meant as a put-down>  So rather than posting to OOC about how much you suck, why not post something to IC to stop sucking?  I mean, there's a lot you could do with Umi.  You could...

1.  Cry because the professor rebuked you harshly
2.  Remember to pass a message to Shioji from Kabapu
3.  Attempt to aid that poor hypnotised man-child.
4.  Strip naked and sing "The Clean Song"  (Ok, not IC, but very amusing imagery
5.  Play with the NPCs
6.  Anything else you can imagine

Don't delay, post today!

I didn't take it as a put-down! Thank you for your suggestions!


Still waiting for you IC Post bunny :)
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

Lord Il

Quote from: "starcat"Opening night's next week and it wraps up after that - so schedule me back for the 4th. :D .
*taps foot* mhmm? :wink:

*pokes* :P

Lord Il

ROFL!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

You'd best do it soon, starcat, or I may end up making Elgala drunk and doing embarrassing things with her character....

..... Shoujo-ai liason, anyone? :elembarassed:

How's that for a motivation? :P

*dies laughing*

whew! :lol:

On another note, has anyone heard from exceluuu lately? I'm thinking that a possibility may exist for someone to take over Excel's character. Or at least temperarily.


Quote from: "starcat"All riiiight, all RIIIIGHT.

But don't expect a miracle!

Of course not, I'll expect TWO miracles :)
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

Lord Il

Quote from: "starcat"I'd do it soon but...really, what else can I do without Iwata? Run?
heh.. It's now time for Ekuseru to work his magic with Iwata anyways. Then you'll have your chance.
Nothing wrong with running though - good exercise. :wink:

Quote from: "starcat"No Elgala-shoujo-ai!  Noooooooooooo!!
No worries.  Such a fate shall not befall Elgala.

That is unless starcat doesn't take El over in time. :P


magic worked.  too bad the first thread got erased since we were doing so well then.  oh well

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

Quote from: "starcat"I'd do it soon but...really, what else can I do without Iwata? Run?

No Elgala-shoujo-ai!  Noooooooooooo!!
I saw a picture of Excel and Elgala...ahem, nvm.