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Anime/Manga figures

Started by Lord Il, January 20, 2007, 03:37:55 PM

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I'M Eh-chan!

Does the Sakaki one have a switchable hat?  Or is the Neco Coneco just another random thing hanging off the chain?


not to sure

these are the next lot I'm getting

I'M Eh-chan!


Osaka on that chair is awesome... :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Quote from: "Micki!"You gotta take pictures of those when they arrive...  8)

I so will  :lol:  in fact you might see me in the post your pic thread if I like so much


I thought you disliked showing yourself :o
But that's your choice afterall :)

Man, i want the Osaka-on-chair one..! 8)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


heres the other set

I'm also getting the plush keyrings aswell  :Ecool:


go to E-Bay, click e-bay stores and type in Azumanga Daioh you should have the figurines, keychains, plushies, UFO plushies, Plushie Key Rings, Soundtracks, lighters, Doujinshi (NOT RECOMMENDED), dvds, manga eggs,beans,bacon,chips, peas

Lord Il

Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"these arn't really figurines but I recently bought this (recent as in just this morning  :lol: )
These are great!

I want Yukari just for her hilarious angry expression. I'd hang her up on the rearview mirror of my car just to freak peeps out. =P


finally cleaned Space Yuki up, im now safely back at sqaure one:
plus ive bought a quality airbrush this time:


nice to see you bought an Iwatav :D


didnt get for that reason i know a professional airbrusher and he swears by them, he does aircraft art


Friggin nice one, it looks sexy.
I could only get my hands on a Paasche (VL), but I likes it.

BTW, that Rei that I was having issues with earlier:

This  "group shot" was asked for by the guy who waned me to do the nude rei for him.

Oh yeah ,htat image has bresticles if anyone's afraid of those kinda things
 get paid to push around air. That fact is both amazing and depressing.

GL We're IN Denial


I know they arn't exactely figurines but this really is the only place I could put them. I have my keyrings atlast (sorry about the picture quality my hands shake alot)

I put Sakaki and Chiyo-chan on my wallet

and Nyamo and Yukari on my keys


A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'