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Rate the Avatar Above You

Started by Railun, January 23, 2007, 08:20:18 AM

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9/10, Reaching Puchuu levels of cute there
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies



9, cute and freaky rolled into one

Lord Il

^Cute! Devastatingly cute. 9/10
Wish it were a tiny bit larger.


^9/10, but I do want to see it duel with Soske's avatar :)
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

Lord Il

^9/10. It still demands my undivided attention.

(Oh, and I could dual it out with Soske's avatar and ensure a win. I could speed up Hisui's finger motion exponentially in Image Ready. :evilex: )



quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies


8/10 still good. btw thanks for the pm  :Ewink:

Lord Il

hmm... Could I have somehow missed that scene from a
Tree House Of Terror episode? O.o

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny


quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies


Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I dunno what to say...8? Because I'm too nice ._.

I'M Eh-chan!

9.  I came for the penguin, I stayed for the promise of decapitation.