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Started by Railun, January 23, 2007, 08:20:18 AM

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quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny


^8/10 Waugh! It's seizure inducing hello kitty!
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies


7/10 she gonna fly sooner or later



One would think we all got used to it...
I love her in that Hailing position though :)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

10 <3 Alien + Excel = really bad and naughty fanfics and love!

Lord Il


-1 because it's Hello Kitty? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

AHHH...! It's feeding on my life's essence.... The eyes..! THE EYES!!!
Noooooes!! O_O

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

Reminds me of special cat attack number three: the enticing finger, from free collars kingdom. If you have a cat you should try it on them.  It's funny to see them trying to sniff your finger when you move it in a circle!

10 <3

-1 for hello kitty? someone should make a blinking excel... I'd love that! <3 <3 <3


EXCEL KICK! *Punches the kitty avatar*

How dare you suck the very essence of Lord Il Palazzo!


you get an 8 out of 10.

Blinking Excel eh?

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

10 <3 God...I like everyone's avatar....
Yeah! A hyper active blinking Excel...or Elgala...or Maid Umi!

I'M Eh-chan!


Maybe we shouldn't tell them about the flash

*shifty eyes*

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

10! And yes you should! Everyone should hear me special voice!


....must kill all non kitties...  :shock: i mean yeah~


8/10 I would have huessed Roger wanted a part in fame :lol:

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

10 I love Excel like that!
SHe looks so happy! <3