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Rate the Avatar Above You

Started by Railun, January 23, 2007, 08:20:18 AM

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Epileptic seizure-kitty is cute, and hurts the eyes...
How can i not like that..?

A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


6/10  good avi, and expected to be seen on an excel saga forum :P
hence why i don't use an excel saga avatar, although Knumlab uses one i used to use on the old Excel Saga forum.


8/10, just put a hail on the gecko, and you'll be fine :)
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

Lord Il

^Like others, I'm still waiting for that chick to start flyin' with that helicopter blade-like hair. lol.


8/10, Helicopter hair versus propeller finger?
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies


Hmm... helicopter hair looks much tougher (and sharper!) so It receives an eight out of ten... but it seems to be getting old rather quick sorry to say :(


8/10, get Railun to update his avatar.
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

super llama

9/10 It's Hello Seizurri;vonena;erak;jfkjvusvulviuhadig
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


That expression is gold... 8)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

I'M Eh-chan!


It's beginning to grow on me.


And if anyone wants to "borrow" my old avy, pm me.  (first come, first served)


4/10, I know what it is, but from all the possible moving haurhi suzumiya avatars, that one seems kinda weak.
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

I'M Eh-chan!

8/10 OMG!  It finally changed!

Yeah, I find this one charming in its own way, but you are probably right.  I just want to find something that's different enough from Soske's avy.  *runs off to the intratubes in search of new avy...again....*

*finds one*

Hooray, matching set!

Also, from now on, I think we should post our avy in the topic whenver we change it.  Sometimes, it's fun to go back and see everyone's old avys and others' reactions, but this is hard when there is no record.  So from now on, I'm going to put my avy within the post whenever I change it (not everypost, just the ones where my own avy changes)

This should also apply to the rate-a-sig topic.


quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies
